§ Mr. MackinlayTo ask the Prime Minister on what occasions over the past two years a Minister has met representatives of the War Widows' Association in order to discuss the needs and interests of war widows.
§ The Prime MinisterOver the past two years the Minister with special responsibility for war pensions, my hon. and noble Friend, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary550W
work, refurbishment (including in some cases, to provide night sanitation) or for other policy reasons (e.g., being retained in the event of an emergency). Against this background the information you requested—reflecting the position as at Friday 1 July—is set out in the attached table.of State at the Department of Social Security, has met formally with representatives of the War Widows' Association of Great Britain at four meetings of the Central Advisory Committee on War Pensions; he also met a deputation from the association on 12 April 1994. He has also discussed with representatives of war pensions committees—which may include members of the War Widows' Association—matters concerning the needs and interests of war widows; over the past two years there have been nine such occasions.