HL Deb 18 July 1994 vol 557 cc3-17WA
Lords Blease

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish up-to-date figures for the total amount of grants to voluntary bodies in Northern Ireland, as published on 6th July 1993 (H.L. Deb, vol. 547, No. 165, WA 53)

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Northern Ireland Office (Baroness Denton of Wakefield)

The voluntary bodies which received grants in the financial year 1993–94 and the issuing departments are:—

Department of Agriculture
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents 125
Rural Development Groups 339,244
Rural Development Council for Northern Ireland 175,599
Young Farmers' Clubs of Ulster 58,442

Central Community Relations Unit
Ainsworth Community Association 4,597
An Caife Glas 4,421
An Ceathru Poili 6,999
ATGWU 10,044
Ballynafeigh Community Development Association 123,750
Belfast Community Circus School 7,000
Chinese Welfare Association 14,628
Churches' Central Committee for Community Work 39,989
Columbanus Community of Reconciliation 17,563
Comhaltas Uladh 29,125
Community of the Peace People 69,496
Community Relations Council 1,070,288
Conflict Mediation Network 27,500
Co-operation North 100,000
Cornerstone Community 36,008
Corrymeela Community 148,091
Counteract 30,206
Cultural Coalition 14,995
DARE 4,875
Drumcree Faith and Justice Group 12,021
Dungannon Development Association 2,489
East Belfast Community Development Centre 16,423
Enniskillen Together 15,222
Extern 30,000
Families Against Intimidation and Terror 39,746
Federation for Ulster Local Studies 46,915
Forum for Community Work Education 16,782
Gael Linn 41,000
Glenavy Community Support Group 38,788
Harmony Community Trust 62,533
Interchurch Talks 1,373
Ionad Uibh Eathach 4,208
Irish School of Ecumenics 2,400
Lifeline 1,500
Line Hall Library 5,233
Naiscoll Na Rinne 3,000
NIACRO 28,551
NI Children's Committee 10 16,500

NICITU 1,900
Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action 32,946
Oideas Gael Uladh 5,000
Origin of Place Names 171,812
Peace People Farm 36,752
Peace and Reconciliation Group 46,814
Peace Train Organisation 24,276
Playboard 19,172
Preas An Phobail 24,000
Protestant and Catholic Encounter 33,228
Royal Irish Regiment 26,296
Social Study Conference 1,000
Somme Association Limited 37,420
Spamount and District Community Association 8,895
St Columb's Reconciliation Trust 11,497
Ulster American Folk Park 166,000
Ulster Historical Foundation 9,000
Ulster People's College 30,518
Ulster Quaker Service Committee 13,402
Ulster Society 28,047
Ultach Trust 80,000
Wandsworth Community Association 23,100
Women's Information Drop-in Centre 500
Women's Information Group 5,000
Women Together for Peace 24,976
YMCA 23,735
Young People's Theatre 8,500

Department of Education
Children's Community Holidays 32,040
Children's Project (Northern Ireland) 15,375
Christian Education Movement 18,385
Churches' Central Committee for Community Work 4,600
Columbanus Community 22,530
Co-operation North 4,757
Community Relations in Schools Project 56,524
Corrymeela Community 41,160
Council for Education in Word Citizenship 9,000
Educational Guidance Service for Adults 111,600
Forum for Community Work Education 120,000
Harmony Community Trust 69,295
Holiday Projects West 12,785
Churches' Peace Education Project 66,156
Kilbroney Centre 17,210
League for the Exchange of Commonwealth
Teachers 8,000
Linen Hall Library 144,000
Northern Ireland Association of Citizen's Advice
Bureaux 261,000
Northern Ireland Children's Holiday Scheme 42,705
Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education 270,000
Northern Ireland Library and Information Services
Council 22,000
Northern Ireland Special Olympics 6,415
One World Centre 17,210
Peace and Reconciliation in Schools Movement 11,275
Pushkin Prizes Trust 13,000
Quaker Peace Education Project 7,320
Schools Aid Romania 11,580
Speedwell Project 47,888
Ulster College of Music 8,000
Ulster People's College 26,976
Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies 2,603
Verbal Arts Centre 7,824
Voluntary Sports Organisations 874,197
Workers' Educational Association 375,649
Young Men's Christian Association—City of
Belfast 14,784
Youth Clubs and Youth Organisations 1,691,197

Department of Health and Social Services Grants paid in 1993-94 under the Health and Personal Social Services (NI) Order 1972
Age Concern 139,818
Alzheimer's Disease Society 16,029
Arthritis Care 4,750
Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus 10,000
Association of Dysphasic Adults 18,000
Belfast Law Centre 315,373
Belfast Rape Crisis Centre 27,836
Belfast Uemployed Centre 19,000
Blind Centre for Northern Ireland 15,285
British Epilepsy Association 7,908
British Fluoridation Society 1,850
British Red Cross Society 1,073
Bryson House 48,419
Cara-friend 7,977
Carers National Association 18,495
Catholic Marriage Advisory Council 56,993
Charities Evaluation Services 6,000
Child Accident Prevention Trust 21,750
Council for Advancement of Communications with Deaf People 11,575
Co-operation North 2,200
Crossroads Care Attendant Scheme 17,338
Cruse Bereavement Care (NI) 23,964
Disability Action 131,728
Down's Syndrome Association 20,242
Emergency Ambulances 4,530
Energy Action (NI) 32,000
Europe Against Cancer 6,000
Family Planning Association 13,958
Fold 15,000
Foyle U3A 3,000
Gingerbread (NI) 90,620
Help the Aged 1,344
Industrial Therapy Organisation 58,950
International Voluntary Service 23,840
Joseph Rowntree Trust 401,157
Life Care (NI) 14,079
Money and Relationship Counselling 40,000
Motability 117,546
Multiple Sclerosis Action Group 16,270
Multiple Sclerosis Society 5,850
Music Therapy 7,500
National Deaf Children's Society 2,884
National Health Service Retirement Fellowship 1,195
National Schizophrenia Fellowship 66,928
Nexus Institute 33,227
Northern Ireland Anti-Poverty Network 11,125
Northern Ireland Association of Citizen's Advice Bureaux 34,000
Northern Ireland Association for Mental Health 164,687
Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke Association 7,500
Northern Ireland Council on Alcohol 96,547
Northern Ireland Council for Orthopaedic Development 39,227
Northern Ireland Council fcor Travelling People 30,250
Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action 336,395
Northern Ireland Hospice 105,800
Northern Ireland Volunteer Development Agency 85,000
Northern Ireland Voluntary Trust 200,000
Northern Ireland Women's Aid Federation 64,941
Northlands Centre 85,162
Parents and Professionals and Autism 52,102
Poverty 3 (EC programme to combat poverty) 202,000
PRAXIS Mental Health 63,964
Princess Royal Trust 62,914
Prince's Trust Volunteers 17,500
Relate—Northern Ireland Marriage Guidance 126,259
Remember Our Child 11,738
Retired and Senior Volunteer Programme 10,000
Richmond Fellowship 59,184

Royal National Institute for the Deaf 66,000
Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults (MENCAP) 91,410
Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) 47,064
Rural Community Network 200
SENSE 41,974
SHARE 17,083
Social Witness Board of the Presbyterian Church of Ireland 34,571
St. Vincent De Paul 52,192
The Society for Mucopolysaccharide Diseases 3,000
Ulster Institute for the Deaf 5,343
Voluntary Service Belfast 200
Women's Resource and Development Agency 34,000
Women's Support Network 4,000
Women's Information Group 6,442
Workers' Education Association 11,700


The above figures relate to grants paid to voluntary organisations in Northern Ireland and to those which, although not based in Northern Ireland, benefit individuals or organisations there.

Department of Health and Social Services Grants paid in 1993–94 under the Children and Young Persons Act (NI) 1968
Away from Home but Safe Conference 2,000
Belfast Central Mission—Craigmore Children's Home 273,515
Catholic Family Care Society 177,527
Child Care (NI) 69,395
Childline 32,800
Children's Rights Development Unit 4,000
Church of Ireland Board of Social Responsibility 28,971
Focus on Children 5,000
Harmony Community Trust 18,794
Homestart Consultancy 19,478
International Year of the Family 1994 36,950
Nazareth House 3,485
NI Childminding Association 46,664
NI Foster Care Association 5,583
NI Intermediate Treatment Association 23,516
NI Pre-school Playgroups Association 186,938
North/South Child Welfare Conference 1,000
NSPCC 67,822
Parent's Advice Centre 17,342
Playboard 500
Play Resource Warehouse 13,220


The above figures relate to grants paid to voluntary organisations in Northern Ireland and to those which, although not based in Northern Ireland, benefit individuals or organisations there.

Department of Health and Social Services qrGrants paid 1993–94 under the Community Volunteering Scheme
Belfast Managing Agency 43,299
Belfast Women's Aid 20,139
Bryson House 40,438
Bryson House (NI 2000) 21,721
Cathedral Community Services 11,724
Churches' Voluntary Work Bureau Ltd. (Volunteer Bureau) 48,508

Churches' Voluntary Work Bureau Ltd. (Managing Agency) 66,459
Confederation of Community Groups 69,280
Conservation Volunteers (NI) 46,248
Craigavon Volunteer Bureau 13,750
Downtown Women's Centre 16,803
EXTERN 22,584
Flax Trust 26,612
Ginger (NI) 21,074
Newtonwnabbey Volunteer Bureau 28,427
North Down Volunteer Bureau 37,777
Northern Ireland Women's Aid Federation 11,436
Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders 60,838
Physically Handicapped and Able Bodied (NI) 20,139
PRAXIS Mental Health 8,271
Share Centre 31,287
Voluntary Service, Belfast 98,934
Voluntary Service, Lisburn 15,752

Northern Ireland Office
Ainsworth 3,000
Alcohol Awareness for Youth 150
Antrim Step Programme 5,587
Ardoyne Community Centre 1,020
Belfast City Mission 300
Belfast Travellers 330
Centre Care 1,246
Clonard Parent and Youth Group 9,525
Conflict Mediation Network 1,270
Contact Youth (Ribble Street) 1,489
Corpus Christi Youth Centre 1,000
Dismas House Hostel 104,157
Divis Drop-In Centre 9,675
Duke of Edinburgh's Award 34,000
East Belfast Home Start 800
Edward Street Hostel 12,689
Extern Organisation 830,559
Foyle Homeless 4,000
Glen Bawn Parent Youth Support Group 9,525
Glencairn Community Group 5,000
Glen Parent Group 9,525
Gort na Mona Youth Service 14,825
Horn Drive Drop-in 9,525
Hosford House Project Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre 5,000
Inter Agency 14,919
Iona Agency 1,000
123 House 7,640
Killycomaine Parish 1,000
Ledley Hall Boys' Club Trust 650
LINC 6,000
Lower Falls "New Start" 31,600
Lower Shankill Parents' Group 315
Lynx Management Committee 39,165
Madcap 2,000
Money and Relationship Counselling 3,000
Mornington Enterprise 1,375
Mountcollyer Youth Club 6,150
Mourne Workshop Trust 11,442
MUST Hotel 20,581
Nettlefield Primary School 100
Newington Cavehill Project 390
Newington Youth Club 3,279
New Mossley Community Action 700
New Mossley Woman's Group 600
Newsboys Youth Club 300
Newtonabbey Fishing Project 1,000

NIACRO 831,609
North Belfast Home Start 1,500
Northern Ireland Council on Alcohol 100
Northside Project 3,159
Parents for Youth Support Group Short Strand 250
People's alternative to Narcotics Drugs and Alcohol (PANDA) 4,792
Pop Bar Drop-in 5,650
Positive Youth (Hammer) 6,095
Presbyterian Church in Ireland 91,563
Prison Fellowship 10,761
Roden Street Festival Committee 100
Roden Street Youth Action 250
Roden Street Youth Association 1,101
Sacred Heart Youth Club 270
Salvation Army 750
Save the Children Fund, NI 76,286
Shankill PHAB 1,255
Sheltered Help 3,500
Simon Community 10,512
Stadium Youth and Community Centre 17,000
Star Neighbourhood 11,747
St. Patrick's Community Enterprises 7,150
Street Beat Youth Project 13,500
Suffolk Drop-in 7,950
Sydenham Youth Centre 500
The Sussex Place Family Services 780
Townsend Street Social Outreach 3,000
Ulster Quakers Service Committee 125,096
Upper Donegall Road Social and Recreational Committee 9,525
Victim Support (NI) 197,000
West Belfast Community Festival 250
West Belfast Parent Youth Support 82,118
West Belfast Young Homeless 4,500
Westrock Parent\Youth Support Group 9,525
Women's Information Drop-In Centre 5,040
Women Too 2,444
YMCA Workshop 12,600
Youth Initiative 5,750


1. NIACRO and Extern received funding from both NIO and the Probation Board for Northern Ireland (PBNI).

2. Victim Support (NI) funding was from NIO only.

3. Included in the figures is funding by NIO for crime prevention activity by Extern (the Safer Town Project) amounting to £115,203.

4. Apart from the above, all other funding was from PBNI, which receives its funds from NIO by way of grant-in-aid.

Department of Economic Development
Northern Ireland Committee—Irish Congress of Trade Unions 147,375
Community Employment Agencies 231,094
Community Workshops 13,553,471
Industrial Therapy Organisation 129,000
Industry Matters 1217,000
Young Enterprise 20,000
Jobclubs 281,241
Disability Action (originally NICD) —Sheltered Placement Scheme 519,598

—Employment Training Unit 83,000
Thomas Doran Training Centre 148,491
244 Voluntary Bodies (ACE Scheme) 50,389,791
YMCA 15,993
Young Help 1,320,167
Youth Community Projects 716,626
Royal National Institute for the Blind 22,000
MENCAP 22,092
Energy Action Northern Ireland 15,245


The money paid to the Northern Committee—Irish Congress of Trade Unions is paid as grant-in-aid for Industrial Relations Training (£75,437) and for a Work Study Advisory Service (£71,938).

1 Includes £142,000 Business Support funding.

Department of Finance and Personnel
Army Benevolent Fund 20,000
Civil Service Benevolent Fund 18,000
Economic Research Centre 82,000
NI Civil Service Sports Association 177,000
NIEDO 497,000
NI Civil Service Retirement Fellowship 5,000
Police Benevolent Fund 40,000
Public Service Training Centre 312,000
Holiday Play schemes 16,000
Chief Executives Management Forum 111,000
RIR Benevolent Fund 50,000
Irish Institute of European Affairs 50,000
NI Centre for Charities Evaluation 20,000

Department of the Environment
118th OB FC 250
123 House 16,900
13th Belfast Old Boys BB 1,100
148th Co Girls Brigade 375
174 Trust 11,473
2nd Belfast BB Camp 100
48th West Belfast Scout Group 2,000
77th Belfast Scout Group 200
93rd BB 100
Abbots Cross Pres Snr Citizens 125
Ainsworth Community Centre 23,020
Aitnamona Residents Association 287
Alliance/Glenbryn Group 3,050
Andersonstown Park Festival Committee 300
Andersonstown Summer Scheme 1,200
Antrim Road Preschool Group 1,750
Archway Youth Club 500
Ardcarnet Rangers Football Club 990
Ardcarnet Youth Club 1,100
Ardmonagh Family Centre 2,800
Ardoyne Association 2,215
Ardoyne Community Centre 350
Ardoyne Family Centre 780
Ardoyne Mother/Toddlers 187
Ardoyne Youth Club 1,100
Ark Family Centre 4,326
Artillery Youth Club 1,462
Ashley Youth Club 253
Ashton Centre 3,079
Association of Community Transport Scheme 16,290
Association of Voluntary Community Centres 500
BAT Youth Conference 689

Ballyarnett Racecource Society 859
Ballybeen Action Replay 250
Ballybeen After Schools Project 144
Ballybeen Community Bus Ltd 2,048
Ballybeen Community Forum 2,723
Ballybeen Community Literary Society 250
Ballybeen Community Theatre 1,110
Ballybeen Judo Club 495
Ballybeen Women's Centre 26,810
Ballybeen Youth Club 2,016
Ballydown Court Day Centre 1,400
Ballyduff Residents Association 900
Ballyduff Senior Citizens Club 300
Ballyduff Women's Group 365
Ballyduff Youth Club 1,064
Ballymurphy Parents Concerned 100
Ballymurphy Tenants Association 3,763
Ballymurphy Young Girls Group 300
Ballynafeigh Community Dev Association 6,550
Ballysillan All-Stars 200
Ballysillan Comm Drop-in Centre 5,908
Ballysillian Festival Comm 1,091
Ballysillan OAPS Glenbank 106
Ballysillan Play Committee 25
Ballysillan Residents Association 1,702
Ballysillan Senior Citizens Fellowship 500
Botanical Society of the British Isles 1,232
Beech Hall Day Centre 2,500
Beech Hall Recreation Club 840
Beech Tree Club 1,490
Beechmount Angling Club 100
Beenstalk Playgroup 1,037
Belcoo and District Development Group 151
Belfast City Mission 100
Belfast Civic Trust 9,000
Belfast East Arts Training 13,032
Belfast Education and Library Board—Reading Programme 18,600
Belfast Netball Association 80
Belfast Traveller Sites Project 6,112
Belfast Travellers Site Project 5,775
Belfast Youth FC 200
Belfast Youth Football Club 200
Ben Madigan Environmental Co. Ltd. 1,947
Benview/Ballysillan Tenants Association 3,205
Best Cellars Music Collective Ltd. 15,369
Between 5,000
Between 2,350
Blackmountain Action Group 19,236
Blackmountain Creche Association 14,427
Blackmountain Environmental Group 965
Blackstaff Heritage Trail 750
Blackwater Media Workshop 6,313
Bloomfield Community Association 60,417
Bonfire Safety Committee 3,724
Boys Brigade 8
Boys Brigade 3,250
Boys Brigade 53rd Co. 150
Bridge End Tenants Association 159
British Butterfly Conservation Society 150
Brown Square Residents Association 5,708
Bryson Community Enterprise 16,468
Bryson House 11,473
Bryson House 19,785
Bryson House 45,000
Bryson House/Better Belfast 250
Bryson House 5,280
CRUSE Bereavement CARE 4,000
CV (NI) 102,868
Cairnlodge Youth Club 480
Cairnmartin Wood Projects 18,117
Careers "n" Kids 300

Carers Association 180
Carrick Hill 16,202
Celtic Boys/St. Andres FC 1,750
Christ Church Presbyterian 2,500
Citizens Advice Bureau 17,342
Citizens Advice Bureau 17,470
Citylink (Disabled People's Community Transport) 22,000
Clara Park Tenants and Residents Association 1,632
Clifton Street Credit Union 4,000
Cliftonville Bowling Club 1,000
Clonard Community Festival 600
Clonard Residents Association 23,226
Clonard Youth Club (including £56,000 MBW) 99,000
Club Eachtra 350
Coiste Na Bealtaine 300
Colin Home Start 300
Colin/Springfield Tenants Association 150
College Square Trust 6,060
Common Purpose 1,000
Community Action Nth 2,076
Conservation Volunteers NI 66,229
Community Aid 4,000
Community Care Forum 300
Community Development Centre 52,684
Community Development Centre 55,573
Community Health Information Workers 2,375
Community Information Drop-in Centre 21,198
Community Technical Aid 92
Community Transport Scheme 20,538
Concorde Community Centre 500
Cornerstone Community 12,570
Corpus Christi Services 5,640
Corpus Christi Youth Club 4,130
Crescent Youth Club 492
Cullingtree House 103,000
Culturlann McAdam-O'Fiaich 15,000
DM Parents and Toddlers (Ballysillan) 170
Daycare Action Group 300
Dee Street Busters 2,389
Denmark Street Community Association 400
Dermott Hill/Mount Alverno Festival Committee 300
Diamond Engraving 75
Disability Action 366,290
Divis Bowling Club 900
Divis Drop-in Centre 100
Divis Fesitival 600
Divis Lunch Club 100
Divis Play Project 4,213
Divis Senior Citizens Club 200
Divis Stretch Group 1,000
Dock Award Community Drama 7,000
Donegall Pass Community Association 3,350
Donegall Road Methodist Church—user groups 9,000
Donegall Road Methodist Church Halls 125,977
Donegall Road Methodist Playgroup 408
Dunboyne/Springfield Activity Centre 360
Duncairn Community Centre 23,644
Dundonald Community Projects 135
Dundonald Salvation Army 7,000
Dungoyne Boys Football Club 1,934
Dungoyne Veterans Association 50
Dunlevey Advice Centre 760
Dunlewey Centre (MBW) 300,000
Dunlewey Substance and Alcohol Abuse Centre 760
Earlview Primary School PTA 300
East Belfast Amazons 300
East Belfast Arts Training 3,000
East Belfast Community Dev Centre 15,164
East Belfast Development Agency 1,750
East Belfast Development Association 4,010
East Belfast Divisional Youth Service 350
East Belfast Festival Committee 4,750
East Belfast Festival Committee 8,468
East Belfast Heritage 14,789

East Belfast Mission 79,898
East Belfast Women's Research 300
Eastway Homing Pigeon Society 6,288
Emerald Boxing Club 24,760
Emigrant Advice Unit 1,143
Emigrant Advice Unit 1,700
Emmanuel Camps 320
Empire Community Centre 2,795
Empire Playgroup 3,000
Empire Senior Citizens Club 117
Environment Council 9,839
Etna Drive (via Bryson Ho.) 62,024
Extern Organisation 29,849
Falls Beacon House Club 250
Falls Community Council 13,816
Falls Library Group 1,000
Falls Women's Group 15,853
Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group 2,810
Feis Ghleann an Lagain 200
Feis Phobal Feirste 1,000
Flax Trust 3,000
Flour Mill Festival 600
Fold 495
Fold Housing Association 758
Footprints Women's Centre 300
Forthriver Regeneration Trust 50,000
Foundry Regeneration Trust 500
Foundry Regeneration Trust 50,000
Friday Club 400
Friendship in Dance 225
Gaelscoil Na Bhfal 33,543
Gateway Club 200
Gateway Club 200
Glen Parent 3,600
Glenbank Housing Committee 488
Glenbawn Concerned Parents 1,945
Glencairn Comm Development Association 6,945
Glencairn Development Officer/Premises 22,561
Glencairn People's Project 105,388
Glencairn River Project 598
Glenravel Local History Project 1,099
Glenstar Boys Club 1,250
Glenwood Reading Centre 2,000
Glor Na nGael 400
Golden Gloves Boxing Club 1,439
Golden Threads Pensioners Club 200
Gortnamona Parent/Youth Support Group 6,624
Grace Baptist Church 714
Grace Fellowship 200
Grey Gables 1,821
Grosvenor Environmental Society 300
Crosvenor Trampoline Club 100
Groundwork in NI 36,050
Grove Cross Community Angling Project 6,090
Grove Service Station 4,000
Grove Swimming Pool 3,789
Grove Urban Park 3,077
Grt Shankill Comm Transport 1,646
Hamill Street 5–10 Club 700
Hammer Angling Club 450
Help The Aged 3,000
Henderson and Mertoun Action Group 1,234
Henry St. Festival Committee 345
Herpetofauna Conservation International Ltd. 1,000
Highfield Action Group 20,851
Hilltop Environmental and Community Care 2,564
Holy Family Parish 10,300
Holy Redeemers OAPS 100
Holy Trinity Youth Club 4,621
Horn Drive Drop-in 1,300
Housing Organisations Mobility and Exchange Services 3,724
Housing Rights Service (formerly Belfast Housing Aid) 160,649

Hummingbird 1,400
IUART (Irish Underwater Archaeological Research Team) 6,038
Immaculata Football Club 750
Indian Community 1,755
Inverary Community Centre 1,408
Ionad Uibh Eathach 2,750
Irish Naturalists Journal 150
Irish Peatland Conservation Council 3,000
Irish Whale and Dolphin Group 1,500
Iveagh Festival Committee 600
Jennymount Methodist—1st Step 2,855
Joanmount Meth. Hall 24,635
John Paul II Youth Club 750
Jubilee Girls' Club 350
Jumna Old Age Pensioners Club 100
Knocknagoney Church Hall 12,407
Knocknagoney Community Centre 647
Learn & Grow 12
Ledley Hall Boys 1,500
Lemberg Street Playground 2,822
Lenadoon Community Forum 9,850
Lenadoon Dev. Assoc. 300
Ligoniel 5–10 Club 300
Ligoniel Comm. Centre 1,350
Ligoniel Comm. Development Officer 11,432
Ligoniel Family Centre 15,000
Ligoniel Festival 5,900
Ligoniel Pre-School Playgroup 2,219
Lisburn Road Residents Association 7,578
Little Acorns Playgroup 7,790
Local Initiatives in Needy Communities 130,905
Longlands & District Residents Association 830
Loughside Credit Union 1,311,40
Lower Falls Festival Committee 600
Lower Falls New Start Project 150
Lower North Belfast Community Centre 27,710
Lower Oldpark Comm. Advice Centre 19,915
Lower Ormeau and Botanic Environmental Association 263
Lower Ormeau Residents Action Group 6,200
Lower Shankill Estate Residents Association 8,260
Lower Shankill Parents Group 390
Manor St. Group 3,168
Matt Talbot Family Centre 14,500
Middle Falls Festival 600
Midland Social Club 2,067
Mill Diner 2,750
Mill Diner Youth Club 500
Millgreen Mother & Toddler Group 260
Millgreen Youth Club 3,892
Miss G. Gordon 3,000
Mitchells GAC 1,000
Monkstown Churches Community Project 150
Monkstown Community Festival 850
Monkstown Drop-In Centre 200
Monkstown Gingerbread Group 348
Monkstown Helpline Project 5,729
Mornington 52,614
Morton Summer Scheme 1,913
Mountcollyer Community Garden 152
Mournes Advisory Council 2,680
Moyard Organised Mothers 500
Mr. Men Community Playgroup 177
Mr. R. Armstrong 1,300
Mrs. D. Marks 336
Mrs. E. Craig 306
Ms. K. Leebody 218
Mutual Credit Union 2,600
North and West Belfast Child Evangelism Fellowship 300
North and West Belfast Sen Cit Amalgam 100
NI 200 19,983
NI Amenity Council 13,000

NI Environment Link 6,000
NI 2000 11,351
NIPPA 1,130
NISA Junior Football 900
NISC Ladies Football Team 150
Naionra Bharr an Chlunai 4,361
National Council Voluntary Organisation 160
National Federation of Housing Associations 200
National Trust 154,572
Nativity Youth Club 700
Neighbourhood Development Association 5,250
New Barnsley Festival Committee 500
New Mossley Community Action 2,000
New Mossley Community Festival 320
New Mossley Council of Churches 1,603
New Mossley Inter Agency Community Council 300
New Mossley Youth Centre 2,939
Newsboys Youth Club 1,704
Newhill Youth and Community Centre Association 76,460
Newtonabbey Community Development Agency 11,835
Newtonabbey Community Fishing Project 3,230
Newtonabbey Methodist Mission 6,466
Newtownabbey PHAB 400
Newtonabbey Women's Group 4,640
Newtownards Road Business Association 5,000
North Belfast Festival Committee 250
Noah's Ark Playgroup 2,000
North Belfast Festival 250
North Belfast Festival 1,000
North Belfast Festival Committee 1,000
North Belfast Networking 810
North Queen Street Recreation Centre 29,285
Northern Ireland BAT Group 1,502
Northern Ireland Council 3,500
Northern Ireland Countryside Staff Association 475
Northern Ireland Environmental Link 27,451
Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations 53,238
Northern Ireland Museums Council 75
Northern Ireland Pre-PIayschool Association 60,439
Northside Project 2,000
Nubia Summer Scheme 2,060
Numbia Community Garden 62,480
O'Donnell's GAC 500
Ohio Street Senior Citizens Club 140
Old Forge Mission 100
Old Museum Arts Centre 100
Oliver Plunkett Boxing Club 5,885
Olympia Mother and Toddler Group 292
Olympia Playground 18,800
Olympia Summer Scheme 670
Opens Handicapped Group 120
Parent Toddlers Group Belfast City Mission 500
Passionist Youth Resource 2,000
Peer Education Project 19,010
Percy Street Senior Citizens Club 400
Playboard 13,382
Playboard 13,480
Pop Bar 23,563
Portrosse Residents Association 250
RSPB 63,065
Racquetball Association 1,115
Rathcoole Boxing Club 5,290
Rathcoole Community Group 3,000
Rathcoole Community Group 6,613
Rathcoole Playgroup 180
Rathcoole Presbyterian Youth Club 240
Rathcoole Self-Help Group 32,124
Rathcoole Youth Centre 5,469
Rathlin Island Trust 150
Regeneratioin of South Armagh 1,798
Registered Housing Associations 45,950,015
Reid School of Irish Dancing 1,000
Richview Boys Brigade 450

Richview Girls Brigade 1,200
Richview Presbyterian—Genesis Bistro 9,056
Riverdale/Ladybrook Festival Committee 300
Riverside Laundry 1,200
Robert Bell Youth Club 750
Rocklands Environmental Group 900
Roden Street Action Group 380
Roden Street Action Team 11,883
Roden Street Festival Committee 600
Roden Street Homework Club 1,300
Roden Street Youth Association 200
SCC Drama Club 2,100
SCF/NICVA Childrens Day Centre 1,200
Sacred Heart Hall 40,622
Saint Andrew's/Celtic Boys 1,500
Sandy Row Bowling Club 1,400
Sandy Row Tenants Association 3,400
Senior Citizens Club—Harrogate Street 800
Shankill '94 300
Shankill '94 2,500
Shankill Appeal Fund 122
Shankill Boys Brigade 100
Shankill Comm Council 10,915
Shankill Community Council 7,566
Shankill Community Performing Arts 6,600
Shankill Conference 889
Shankill Festival 7,000
Shankill Football League 250
Shankill Laundry Service 2,000
Shankill PHAB 17,725
Shankill PHAB 6,183
Shankill Stress Group 1,100
Shankill Table Tennis Tournament 200
Shankill Tai Chi Club 200
Shankill Team Ministry 7,000
Shankill Traders Assoc. 7,319
Shell Better Britain Campaign 15,000
Shore Crescent Women's Group 800
Short Strand Community Forum 300
Short Strand Women's Group 500
Silver Threads Bowling Club 325
Simon Community 13,944
Slieve Gullion Courtyard Development Group 7,146
South Belfast Economic Resource Centre 50,000
Southcity Rsource Centre 41,970
Southlink Day Centre 1,235
Springfield Charitable Association 8,700
Springfield Inter-Communal Development Project 5,000
Springfield Inter-Community Conference 537
Springfield Festival Committee 700
Springhill Youth Action Group 850
Springvale TOD 100
St. Agnes Senior Citizens 380
St. Andrews Boys FC 8,250
St. Andrews/Celtic Boys Project 1,500
St. Columba's Parish Church 3,195
St. Comgall's Parish Church 20,935
St. Comgall's Senior Friendship Club 150
St. James Variety Club 430
St. James Hall 889
St. John the Baptist Bowling Club 100
St. John the Baptist Mothers and Toddlers 173
St. John the Baptist Youth Club 450
St. John's GAC 11,045
St. John's Parish Centre 10,193
St. Joseph's Training School 2,997
St. Luke's Family Centre 520
St. Mary's Parish Church 21,039
St. Mary's Youth Club 730
St. Matthews Community Development Association 792
St. Michael's Mother and Toddlers 200
St. Michael's Scouts 600
St. Michael Youth Club 200
St. Oliver Plunkett Luncheon Club 200

St. Peter's Activity Club 250
St. Simon's Church Hall 6,567
St. Simon's Youth Club 1,300
St. Teresa's Parish Hall 9,400
St. Teresa's Summer Scheme and equipment 4,932
St. Patrick's Community Enterprise 20,581
Stadium Youth Club 1,000
Star Neighbourhood Centre 3,480
Streetbeat Youth Project 4,830
Stadium Community Centre 23,051
Suffolk Drop-in 200
Suffolk Gingerbread 250
Suffolk Ladies Social Committee 200
Suffolks Residents Association 750
Summer in the City 3,800
Summer in the City 11,400
Sydenham Methodist Church 2,425
Sydenham Youth Centre 5,617
Taughmonagh Football Club 328
Taughmonagh Ladies Keep Fit 395
Temple Credit Union 19,980
Templemore Baths Swimming Pool 41,600
Tenants Action Project 122,000
Tennent Street District Housing Association 60
The Bridge 169,468
The Bridge Youth Club 20,971
The Care Centre Monkstown 20,200
The Hummingbird 600
Tidy Northern Ireland 105,000
Torr Heath Action Group 554
Townsend Social Outreach Centre 54,918
Trinity St. Community Centre 2,800
Tudor Family Centre 1,127
Tullycarnet Community Forum 750
Tullycarnet Playgroup 80
Tullycarnet Presbyterian Church 14,500
Tullycarnet Residents Association 75
Tullycarnet Senior Citizens Group 738
Tullycarnet Women's Group 850
Turf Lodge Enterprise Scheme 5,427
Turf Lodge Festival 1,100
Turf Lodge Gateway Club 400
Twinbrook Mother & Toddlers 975
UAHS (Ulster Architectural Heritage Society) 50,003
Ulster Clans 13,296
Ulster Irish Dance Championships 800
Ulster Wildlife Trust 40,315
Unregistered Housing Associations 764,390
Upper Andersonstown Festival Committee 1,500
Upper Room Youth Club 500
Upper Springfield Children's Holiday Scheme 250
Venturer Scots 800
Vionville Residents Association 1,159
Voluntary Services Lisburn 1,255
Walkway Community Association 300
West Belfast Community Festival 2,500
West Belfast Community Festival 2,600
West Belfast District Scout Council 850
West Belfast Orange Hall 20,000
West Belfast Parent Youth Support Group 1,800
West Belfast Scout Group 150
West Belfast Summer in the City 3,800
West Kirk Bowling Club 500
West Kirk Youth Fellowship 60
Westrock Festival Committee 500
Westrock Parent/Youth Support Group 1,700
Whiteabbey Action Committee (M&T) 100
Whiteabbey Action Committee 186
Whiteabbey Masonic Retirement Group 364
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust 33,238
Willowbank Youth Club 48,477
Wilton Court Senior Citizens 295
Windsor Women Centre 111,058
Wishing Well 12,580

Women's Aid 12,500
Women's Information Group 2,000
Women's Research & Development Agency 29,000
Woodlands Community Gardens 3,000
Woodlands Playing Fields 17,000
Woodvale Comm. Centre 1,350
Woodvale Pk. Senior Citizens Club 100
Woodvale Resource Centre 2,852
Woodvale Road Youth Club 1,800
Woodvale Senior Citizens Club 177
Young Archaeologists Club 200
Young Homeless Project (MBW) 15,000
Youth Initiatives 9,442
Youth Net 1,000