HL Deb 20 January 1994 vol 551 c56WA
Earl Russell

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What percentage of applications for Community Care Grants from the Social Fund in the Nottingham area were refused, and what percentage of these refusals were reversed on appeal—

  1. (a) in the current financial year;
  2. (b) in 1992–93;
  3. (c) in 1991–92.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Social Security (Viscount Astor)

The administration of the Social Fund is a matter for Mr. Michael Bichard, the Chief Executive of the Benefits Agency. He will write to the noble Lord with such information as is available.

Letter to the Earl Russell from the chief Executive of the Benefits Agency Mr. Michael Bichard, dated 19 January, 1994:

The Secretary of State for Social Security has asked me to reply to your recent Parliamentary Question, about the percentage of applications for Community Care Grants (CCGs) in the Nottingham area which were refused and later allowed on appeal.

The Nottingham area is served by three Benefit Agency Districts; East Nottinghamshire, West Nottinghamshire and North Nottinghamshire. I have, therefore, provided figures relating to those Benefits Agency Districts.

I should clarify that awards of CCGs are discretionary and do not carry appeal rights. However, if a customer is dissatisfied with the Social Fund Officer's decision, he/she may apply for a review. This is carried out in the first instance by the Social Fund Officer, and secondly by the Social Fund Manager. If the customer is still dissatisfied following the review, there is a right to a further review by an independent Social Fund Inspector, at the Independent Review Service.

Details of applications for CCGs in the Nottingham area which were refused, and later revised at one of the three stages in the review process, are given in the attached appendix. Information has been provided for the financial years of 91–92, 92–93, and 93–94 for the period to 30 November 1993, the latest date for which information is available.

I hope you find this reply helpful.

Applications for CCGs refused and later allowed on review—east, west and north Nottinghamshire.
Financial years 1991–92 1992–93 1993–94
Percentage Of CCGs refused 72.0 72.2 76.4
Percentage Of CCGs revised on review 41.3 33.0 29.8