HL Deb 21 February 1994 vol 552 cc38-9WA
Lord Mason of Barnsley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many illegal immigrants have been discovered in Great Britain in each of the years 1990 to 1993, what range of measures were used to elude the immigration controls and how many have been deported in each of those years.

Earl Ferrers

The numbers of illegal entrants detected in the United Kingdom were:

1990 3,297
1991 4,455
1992 5,673
1993 15,761

They comprised persons who had entered the United Kingdom by deceiving the immigration officer about their intentions; had entered clandestinely, without leave, in breach of a deportation order, under a false identity, or with false documents; or who were absconders from detention.

The numbers of illegal entrants, and other persons subject to enforcement action, who were removed from the United Kingdom are given in the table. In general, illegal entrants are removed as such, not deported.

Persons removed from the United Kingdom under enforcement powers1
Illegal entrants removed Persons2 removed under deportation process Total persons removed under enforcement powers
1990 2,338 1,942 4,280
1991 3,188 2,616 5,804
1992 3,631 2,583 6,214
1993 33,791 32,254 36,045
1 Including persons who departed voluntarily.
2 Including persons in breach of conditions of leave to enter or remain.
3Provisional figure.