- Respite Beds 82 words c192W
- Paediatricians 228 words cc192-3W
- Patient Transport Service 115 words cc193-4W
- London Hospitals 933 words cc194-5W
- GP Prescriptions 108 words c195W
- Bjork-Shiley Heart Valves 40 words c195W
- Community Care, Housing and Homelessness 121 words cc195-6W
- Data Protection 307 words c196W
- Section 64 Funding 75 words c196W
- Performance Standards 57 words cc196-7W
- Waiting Times 143 words c197W
- Ambulance Response Times 239 words c197W
- Hospital Waiting Lists 198 words cc197-8W
- Selected Items 111 words c198W
- Patients Charters 151 words c198W
- Dental Treatment 62 words c198W
- Paediatric Speech and Language Therapy 107 words cc198-9W
- Mentally Ill People 86 words c199W
- Care Plans 42 words c199W
- NHS Complaints 64 words c199W
- Operations (Cancellation) 68 words cc199-200W
- Chemical Entity Products 333 words cc200-1W
- Juvenile Offenders 824 words cc201-2W
- Orthodontic Treatment 79 words c202W
- Departmental Press Release 95 words c202W
- Cannabinol 89 words cc202-3W
- Care in the Community Grant 464 words cc203-4W
- Upper-limb Disorders 204 words c204W
- Mammography 131 words c204W
- NHS Authorities (Membership) 86 words cc204-5W
- Elderly Persons' Homes 237 words c205W
- Latero Flora 93 words cc205-6W
- Westcountry Ambulance Services Trust 525 words c206W
- Nurses Grading 107 words cc206-7W
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases 370 words c207W
- Appointments 124 words c207W
- GP Fundholders 55 words cc207-8W
- Regional Health Authorities 273 words