HC Deb 25 April 1994 vol 242 cc50-1W
Mr. Morley

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will show the average income of(a) farmers and (b) farm workers in (i) cash and (ii) real terms, using 1985 as a constant, in each year since 1980 showing these incomes as a percentage of the average wage.

Mr. Redwood

Two of the main indicators of the average income of farmers are the cash income per farm and the average net farm income. Both are derived from the farm business survey. Neither of those estimates is available on a consistent basis before 1986–87 nor strictly comparable with the average wage. Details from both of those income measures together with information on the average income of hired full time agricultural workers are shown in the tables.

Cash income of the farm business
Years Estimated cash income (£ 000 per annum) Real terms 1985 prices1 (£000 per annum)
1987–88 18.2 17.01
1988–89 19.7 17.43
1989–90 19.6 16.07
1990–91 19.5 14.55
1991–92 23.3 16.52
1992–93 23.9 16.37

Net farm income of the farm business
Years Estimated net farm income (£000 per annum) Real terms 1985 prices1 (£000 per annum)
1987–88 11.2 10.5
1988–89 15.8 14.0
1989–90 12.3 10.1
1990–91 10.5 7.8
1991–92 14.0 9.9
1992–93 16.9 12.0
1993–94 (forecast) 22.6 15.3
1 Deflated by the Retail Price Index.

Hired full-time agricultural workers in Wales
Year Cash terms (£ per week) Real terms 1985 prices1 (£ per week) Percentage of average wage2
1981 87.62 110.77 73.4
1982 93.53 108.88 71.8
1983 101.50 113.03 72.5
1984 105.27 111.63 70.6
1985 117.43 117.43 73.3
1986 117.51 113.65 69.0
1987 128.73 119.53 70.2
1988 135.50 119.91 69.0
1989 141.07 115.82 65.3
1990 153.83 115.31 66.3
1991 173.79 123.08 68.9
1992 3204.18 3139.47 375.4
1993 189. 127.46 67.4

1 Deflated by the Retail Prices Index.

2 Average earnings of all industries and services in wales. It covers those whose pay for the survey period at April each year was not affected by absence. Men aged 21 and over and women aged 18 and over on 1 January in the year of the survey for 1981–1983 and males and females on about rates for 1984 onwards.

3 Figuers are inflated due to employees working, on avarage, 2 hours more overtime than in other years, resulting in an extra £10 to £12 income per week.

Hospital episodes 1 with a main diagnosis of asthma (ICD9 493) In-patients and day cases by District Health Authority of treatment
1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991–922 1992–932
Clwyd 387 366 415 385 430 494 653 584 643 694 703 664 759 695
East Dyfed 212 232 232 277 300 291 324 352 368 391 313 356 367 424
Pembrokeshire 116 119 121 110 134 186 199 198 192 218 218 246 233 235
Gwent 474 460 629 483 610 678 696 910 827 901 793 697 912 1,032
Gwynedd 243 255 213 246 264 269 315 409 456 438 360 396 413 292
Mid Glamorgan 575 601 688 621 719 845 1,072 1,106 1,113 1,148 1,006 1,068 3 3
Powys 100 118 114 82 114 92 92 91 89 91 137 109 176 178
South Glamorgan 585 641 819 768 825 894 928 1,019 1,112 1,303 1,116 1,185 1,213 1,038
West Glamorgan 392 487 540 596 654 753 614 679 787 907 902 563 3 3
Total 3,084 3,279 3,771 3,568 4,050 4,502 4,893 5,348 5,587 6,091 5,548 5,284 3 3
1 Figures may understate the true position in that not all hospitals provide complete clinical information. Data relate to discharges and deaths for 1979 to 1990 and to finished consultant episodes for 1991–92 and 1992–93.
Figures are presented according to the District Health Authority area (as at present) in which hospital treatment took place. 1992–93 information includes NHS Trusts.
2 Provisional.
3 Denotes not available.

Sources: Hospital Activity Analysis 1979 to 1990.

Patient Episode Database for Wales 1991–92 onwards.

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