HC Deb 27 October 1993 vol 230 cc638-9W
Mr. Chris Smith

To ask the Secretary of State for Transport what period of consultation he intends to allow for those residents of Islington living to the west of Liverpool road in relation to Union Railways' proposal, announced on 22 September, for a grade-separated junction leading into St. Pancras station for the high-speed channel tunnel link.

Mr. Freeman

Local authorities and action groups have been briefed by Union Railways on the rail link options, which are to be reported to the Government at the end of October. These bodies have been invited to submit formal comments directly to my Department by 12 November. Union Railways has, moreover, set up visiting public information centres for all parts of the route to explain the options. Comments from members of the public may either be made to Union Railways at the information centres or they can be sent to my Department. All comments received will be taken into account in our decisions.

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