HC Deb 21 October 1993 vol 230 cc312-3W
Mr. Blunkett

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many pamphlets the national health service management executive published from January 1992 to January 1993 and from January 1993 to October 1993; if she will list the title, the recipients and the cost; and if she will make a statement.

Mr. Sackville

During the period January 1992 to October 1993, the national health service management executive issued 61 pamphlets, leaflets and brochures. The table gives the description, cost and to whom they were sent. Copies of the documents will be placed in the Library.

Title Cost £ Distribution
Data Quality Review No. 4 1,308 National Health Service Managers
Good Practice and Innovation in Contracting 5,288 National Health Service Managers
Assessing Effects of Health Technologies 17,201 National Health Service Managers
Nursing Research Taskforce Report 10,520 National Health Service Managers
Specification of National Indicators Booklet 23,021 National Health Service Managers
London Health No. 1 12,706 National Health Service Staff (London)
London Health No. 2 12,658 National Health Service Staff (London)
London Health No. 3 19,347 National Health Service Staff (London)
London Health No. 4 18,419 National Health Service Staff (London)
Community Care Booklet for Nurses 53,961 RCN Members, Directors of Social Services, National Health Service Managers
ME News January 1993 8,196 National Health Service Managers
ME News February 1993 13,398 National Health Service Managers
ME News March 1993 9,510 National Health Service Managers
ME News April 1993 18,666 National Health Service Managers
ME News May 1993 19,466 National Health Service Managers
ME News June 1993 9,110 National Health Service Managers
ME News July 19931 13 National Health Service Managers
ME News August 19931 2,058 National Health Service Managers
ME News September 19931 2,153 National Health Service Managers
Quality Compendium1 368,000 National Health Service Staff
Fundholding News1 4,010 GP Fundholders
Childcare Initiative Booklet 13,280 National Health Service Staff
A Study of Midwife GP-led Maternity Units 5,290 National Health Service Managers
Health Service Indicators Handbook 1993 28,731 National Health Service Managers
Primary Care Opportunity 20001 35,500 National Health Service Staff
Patient's Charter Distance Learning Pack 68,009 National Health Service Managers
Purchasing for Health No. 21 4,000 National Health Service Managers
VFM Update (Value for Money) 2,764 National Health Service Managers
Named Nurse, Midwife and Health Visitor1 30,000 National Health Service Staff
Patient's Charter Monitoring Practice Guide1 35,000 National Health Service Managers
Purchasing for Health No. 31 7,687 National Health Service Managers
Ethnic Minority Health 45,015 National Health Service Staff
HOTN—Local Target Setting1 (Health of the Nation) 25,000 National Health Service Managers
Research for Health Vol. 2 63,499 National Health Service Managers
HSI Publicity—Prices Leaflet 987 National Health Service Managers
Nursing Research Report 4,030 National Health Service Managers
Patient's Charter1 10,000 GP Staff
NHSME Chief Executive Award1 10,000 National Health Service Staff
Day Surgery Task Force "Tool Kit" 28,996 Royal Colleges, National Health Service Managers, GPs, Nurse Trainers
HOTN Local Target Setting Paper 8,005 National Health Service Managers
Study of Midwifery and GP-led Maternity Units 5,290 National Health Service Managers
Schools Out-Childcare booklet 13,280 National Health Service Managers
New World New Opportunities 3,450 National Health Service Managers
Research for Health 49,016 National Health Service Managers
Value for Money 2,764 National Health Service Managers
1 Estimated