HL Deb 25 November 1993 vol 550 cc14-7WA
Viscount Craigavon

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What are the amounts of all grants in cash or kind to individual United Kingdom non-governmental organisations for relief and development in the third world for the financial year 1992–93; and for comparison, what are the amounts for the two previous years.

Baroness Chalker of Wallasey

The amount of all grants for 1992–93 made by the Overseas Development Administration to United Kingdom non-governmental organisations (NGOs) for work in developing countries was £141,791,127 as detailed in the attached table. The comparable figure in 1990–91 was £88,097,616 and in 1991–92 £121,966,185. In addition we made grants to United Kingdom NGOs for work in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union in 1992–93 amounting to £5,634,899 and in 1991–92 amounting to £1,861,748. UK NGOs also draw substantially on EC aid programmes to which we contribute.

The table below provides details of all ODA grants in 1992–93.

1992–93 Direct Grants from the Overseas Development Administration to Non-Governmental Organisations for work overseas
Voluntary Organisation Amount of grant awarded in financial year 1992–93 £
Acord 1,375,097
ActionAid 4,318,116
ADD 170,298
ADRA 173,913
Afghan Aid 1,507,458
Africa Now 69,283
Africa Resource Trust 66,118
African Development Fund 4,323,807
Aga Khan Foundation 1,147,437
AHRTAG 318,712
Alternative for India Development 65,351
AMAR Appeal 250,000
AMREF 277,569
APT Design and Development 153,031
APTT Trust-UK 4,163
Arid Lands Initiative 25,750
BEARR Trust 11,000
British Executive Service 784,471
British Nepal Medical Trust 27,260
British Red Cross Society 12,566,632
British Refugee Council 52,012
Business in the Community 24,844
Busoga Trust 50,000
CAFOD 6,129,029
Calcutta Tercentenary Trust 10,000
Cambodia Trust 160,000
Canon Collins Education Trust for South Africa 70,954
CARE Britain 15,449,848
CBF World Jewish Relief 30,000
Catholic Institute for International Relations 1,731,580
Charities Aid Foundation 577,615
Charities Evaluation Services 3,573
Childhope 34,750
Christian Aid 9,906,016
Christian Outreach 1,008,075
Christians Abroad 183,321
Church Relief International 4,000
CODA International Training (CIT) 58,022
College of St John & St Mark 5,303

Voluntary Organisation Amount of grant awarded in financial year 1992–93 £
Commonwealth Human Ecology Council 13,601
Commonwealth Trade Union Council 167,567
Concern 3,123,116
Concern Universal 116,654
Conservation Foundation 74,244
Consumer Research Laboratory 13,497
Cooperation For Development 482,925
Cranfield Institute of Technology 58,929
Cusichaca Project Trust 33,551
Duke of Edinburgh Award 62,415
Durham-Lesotho Link 40,692
Earthwatch Europe 8,581
Economic Planning Associates 60,933
Education in World Citizen Council 4,000
Education Partners Overseas 50,003
Farm Africa 338,308
Fauna & Flora Preservation Society 1,271
Feed The Children 450,000
Feed The Minds 14,638
Find Your Feet 10,370
Food For The Hungry 419,020
Forum 10,000
Friends of Conservation 63,179
Friends of Urambo & Mwanhala 8,791
Gaia Foundation 1,306
GOAL 409,492
Gordon Barclay Vietnam Fund 5,481
Gurkha Welfare Trust 209,450
Halo Trust 388,787
Harvest Help 34,423
Health Aid Moyo 84,180
Health Unlimited 484,435
Hedley Roberts Trust 13,477
Help The Aged 523,395
Henry Doubleday Research Association 17,521
Homeless International 99,280
IBT Productions Ltd 85,000
ICBP 76,940
IIED 709,680
Impact Foundation 8,818
India Development Group 39,375
Institute of Animal Health 260,932
Institute of Development Studies 2,697,657
International Centre for Research in Agroforestry 180,000
International Committee for Andean Aid 21,769
Intercare 108,178
Intermediate Technology Development 3,458,285
International Agricultural Training 27,240
International Bee Research Association 83,054
International Children's Trust 1,717
International Christian Relief 102,349
International Extension College 457,347
International Health Exchange 57,304
International Planned Parenthood 8,000,000
International Refugee Trust 85,825
International Rescue Corps 392
Inter-Action 8,672
Inter-African Committee 5,000
IUCN 87,734
Jacob's Well Appeal 20,292
John Innes Institute 11,311
Joint Mission Hospital Equipment 95,225
Lancashire Wildlife Trust 9,030
Lasallian Projects 6,993
Leonard Cheshire Foundation 24,350
Leprosy Mission 12,575
Living Earth 178,100
Medical Aid for Iraq 50,000
Medical Aid for Palestinians 203,360
Medical Emergency Relief International 19,000
Methodist Church Overseas Division 7,305
Money for Madagascar 20,649
MSI 1,313,939
National Association of Women's Organisations 19,275

Voluntary Organisation Amount of grant awarded in financial year 1992–93 £
National Children's Home 66,767
National Institute of Agriculture 322,807
New Age Access 9,800
Nobel Trading 18,600
Nuffield Russia Trust 192,626
Ockenden Venture 329,837
ODI 1,732,081
One World Action 55,932
Order of St. John 156,943
OXFAM 8,476,221
Panos Institute 13,550
Plan International 622,309
Plunkett International 52,019
Population Concern 309,815
Project Mala 69,317
Quaker Peace and Service 6,831
Ranfurly Library Service 45,001
REDR 20,707
Richmond Fellowship International 33,566
Rio Maza 21,179
RNIB 8,494
Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation 4,994
Royal Botanic Gardens 43,971
Royal Commonwealth Society 231,006
Royal Geographical Society 22
Royal Society for Protection of Birds 5,000
Ruskin College 55,867
Ryder-Cheshire Foundation 111,441
SALTLIC 13,247
Samburu Aid in Africa 4,800
Save The Children Fund 17,880,119
SCIAF 131,898
Scripture Union 36,089
Send A Cow 39,417
Skillshare Africa 1,415,132
SOS for Scotland 100,000
SOS Sahel 366,822
South African Townships Health Fund 100,000
SPICMA 49,179
St. Johns Ambulance 9,738
Tanzania Development Trust 191
Tear Fund 150,800
TESO Development Trust 25,000
Thomson Foundation 156,349
Toch-H 11,024
Traidcraft Exchange 146,481
TRAX Programme Support 9,603
Tropical Health & Education Trust 15,446
TUIREG 14,709
Uganda Society for Disabled Children 173,909
UK Jewish Aid 95,000
UKFSP 125,297
UNAIS 814,644
University of Warwick 21,700
Urban Aid 197,627
VetAid 53,365
Village Service Trust 8,501
Vision Aid Overseas 26,149
VSO 14,554,238
Water Aid 1,234,315
Womankind 120,717
Women's Royal Voluntary Service 193
World Conservation Monitoring 122,924
World University Service 1,335,845
World Vision 2,300,575
Worldwide Fund for Nature 1,934,000
You And Me 36,800
Youth With A Mission 48,411
Y-Care International 332,856
Zimbabwe Trust 552,080
Zoological Society of London 40,000
TOTAL 147,426,026