HC Deb 14 May 1993 vol 224 cc591-2W
Mr. Nigel Evans

To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) how many transplants were carried out in the years 1991 and 1992 of(a) kidneys, (b) hearts, (c) livers and (d) hearts and lungs;

(2) what estimate she has of how many people died in the years 1991 and 1992 while waiting for organ transplants.

Mr. Sackville

The table shows the numbers of solid organ transplants carried out in the United Kingdom in 1991 and 19921.

Year Cadaver ic kidneys Hearts Livers Hearts and lungs Lungs
1991 1,628 281 420 79 72
1992 1,641 301 501 53 89
1 Figures supplied by United Kingdom Transplant Support Service Authority. 1992 figures are provisional.

There are no figures available centrally on people who die while waiting for kidney transplantation, but in 1991, the only year for which such figures are available, deaths of people awaiting other organs were as follows: hearts 69, livers 33, hearts and lungs 41, lungs 161. Causes of death are not recorded.

Hospital and community health services (HCHS) Expenditure on computers and computing
£ thousands (cash)
Purchase of hardware and operational software Revenue Maintenance of hardware and software (including licensing fees) Contract services Capital Purchase of hardware and operational software
£ thousands £ thousands £ thousands £ thousands
1990–91 61,538 44,216 28,809 119,233
1991–92 49,871 65,268 35,281 1 31,710
1 Main frame systems only. Excludes an element within a total of £103.5 million for office and information technology equipment. (Note 2 to the table refers).

General medical services—expenditure on computers
Year £000 (cash)
1990–91 17,449
1991–92 34,117


  1. a. Annual accounts (1990–91) and annual financial returns (1991–92) of regional and district health authorities in England and those of the special health authorities for the London postgraduate teaching hospitals.
  2. b. 1991–92 annual financial returns of the first wave NHS Trusts.
  3. c. Financial information system (FIS) returns of family health services authorities (1990–91 and 1991–92).

Notes to the table:

  1. 1. HCHS covers all services directly managed or accounted for by the health authorities (and NHS Trusts) including hospital, community health, patient transport (ie ambulance), blood transfusion and other services.
  2. 2. The HCHS figures for 1991–92 (which are derived from annual financial returns rather than accounts) are provisional. Following the introduction of capital asset accounting and changes to the analyses provided in annual financial returns the figure for capital expenditure is not comparable with that for 1990–91. It represents expenditure only on mainframe information technology (IT) systems and excludes additional expenditure on computers within a total of some £103.5 million for "office and IT equipment" and which is not separately identifiable centrally. Revenue "purchases" may include elements for