HL Deb 13 July 1993 vol 548 cc8-9WA
Lord Mason of Barnsley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether consideration will be given to allowing the British members of the EC's monitoring mission in Yugoslavia to receive publicly their medals and wear them in keeping with the practice adopted by other EC Member States.

Viscount Cranborne

British participants in the EC monitoring mission in the former Yugoslavia have been advised that they should not accept the EC monitoring mission medal. In the United Kingdom, permission for the wearing of medals is not normally granted if an official British award has been instituted for the same service. The question of a British award for service in the former Yugoslavia is under consideration.

Lord Mason of Barnsley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What regulations bar British Servicemen from wearing their medals issued for bravery during their monitoring mission in the former Yugoslavia.

Viscount Cranborne

There is no bar on the wearing of British decorations which have been awarded for gallantry while serving in the former Yugoslavia.

Decisions on the acceptance and wearing of awards from foreign governments are a matter for The Sovereign, who relies on the advice and guidance of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Permission for the wearing of foreign medals is not normally given if an official British award has been instituted for the same service.

The question of a British award for service in the former Yugoslavia is under consideration.