HL Deb 18 January 1993 vol 541 c68WA
Lord Kennet

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What weapons they envisage Israeli firms will offer to the Ministry of Defence, that British industry cannot produce; and whether they include any kind of anti-ballistic missiles.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence (Viscount Cranborne)

Subject to the normal constraints of security, the Ministry of Defence has a policy of open competition for its equipment requirements. Although 91 per cent. by value of these requirements are met by British industry, in some 9 per cent. of cases either they cannot be met by British industry or overseas suppliers offer better value-for-money. Israeli firms may tender for contracts wherever they believe they can meet the department's requirements. The potential risk from ballistic missiles and possible ways of countering it are being reviewed in consultation with the United States and other NATO allies. We have no plans to consult non-NATO allies.