§ Mr. Charles KennedyTo ask the Secretary of State for Scotland what advice he issues to community charge registration officers and other relevant regional officials concerning the issuing of community charge registration forms and related explanatory leaflets in ethnic minority languages; what such leaflets are issued in respect of the Gaelic language; whether he has any plans to alter existing provisions with the introduction of the council tax; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. Stewart[holding answer 1 February 1993]: The form and content of community charge registration inquiry forms and the related explanatory notes are prescribed in The Community Charges (Registration) (Scotland) (No. 2) Regulations 1988 (S.I. 1988 No. 1539 (s. 152)). Whether and what supplementary guidance is issued by community charge registration officers or levying authorities is a matter for those officers and authorities.
In administering the council tax, there will be greater variety in the precise information that assessors and levying authorities need to collect in individual cases. They will therefore have discretion as to the details they seek and the manner in which they seek them. Questions relating to the production of forms and explanatory notes should therefore be addressed to individual regional and islands councils as regards their own areas.
The Scottish Office is producing a series of general information leaflets concerning the introduction of the council tax. The principal leaflet, "The Council Tax—A guide to the new tax for local government in Scotland", has been translated into Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi and Cantonese and these translations have been distributed to regional and islands councils for them to use as required. It is for individual levying authorities to consider what additional guidance they wish to provide to meet local or operational requirements. This might include guidance in Gaelic.