§ Sir John StanleyTo ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will list payments made to each non-governmental organisation under the joint funding scheme in the last financial year for which figures are available.
§ Mr. Lennox-BoydDetails of all ODA grants made to United Kingdom non-governmental organisations under the joint funding scheme, for the financial year 1992–93, are set out in the table.
ODA joint funding scheme grants to NGOs 1992–93 Amount of grant awarded in financial year 1992–93 £ ACORD 625,066 ActionAid 992,749 Action Health 2000 27,541 ADD 166,621 ADRA 9,213 Africa Now 69,283 Africa Resource Trust 66,118 Aga Khan Foundation 459,302 AHRTAG 280,846 Alternative for India Development 65,351 AMREF 194,642 APT Design and Development 153,031 APTT Trust-United Kingdom 4,163 British Nepal Medical Trust 27,260 British Red Cross Society 53,550 Busoga Trust 50,000 CAFOD 1,321,000 Cambodia Trust 160,000 CARE Britain 1,339,687 Catholic Institute for International Relations 193,825 Childhope 34,750 Christian Aid 2,231,000 Christian Outreach 44,771 Christians Abroad 5,112 CODA International Training (CIT) 58,022 Commonwealth Human Ecology Council 13,601 Commonwealth Trade Union Council 167,567 Concern 997,569 Conservation Foundation 74,244 Cooperation For Development 394,325 Cusichaca Project Trust 33,551 Duke of Edinburgh Award 39,523 Durham-Lesotho Link 40,692 Feed The Minds 14,638 Find Your Feet 10,370 Food For The Hungry 7,820 Friends of Conservation 63,179 Friends of Urambo and Mwanhala 8,791 Gaia Foundation 1,306
£ Gordon Barclay Vietnam Fund 5,481 Halo Trust 188,900 Harvest Help 34,423 Health Aid Moyo 84,180 Health Unlimited 426,935 Hedley Roberts Trust 13,477 Help The Aged 199,014 Henry Doubleday Research Association 17,521 Homeless International 90,280 ICBP 76,940 Impact Foundation 8,818 India Development Group 39,375 Institute of Development Studies 140 International Committee for Andean Aid 21,769 Intercare 43,178 Intermediate Technology Development 495,856 International Agricultural Training 27,240 International Children's Trust 1,717 International Christian Relief 102,349 Lasallian Projects 6,993 Leonard Cheshire Foundation 4,350 Leprosy Mission 12,575 Living Earth 178,100 Medical Aid for Palestinians 46,530 Money for Madagascar 20,649 MSI 993,902 National Children's Home 66,767 New Age Access 9,800 Ockenden Venture 36,665 One World Action 11,289 OXFAM 4,207,651 Panos Institute 13,550 Plan International 622,309 Population Concern 304,815 Project Mala 69,317 Richmond Fellowship International 33,566 Rio Maza 21,179 Royal Commonwealth Society 231,006 Ryder-Cheshire Foundation 11,441 SALTLIC 13,247 Save The Children Fund 3,531,000 SCIAF 131,898 Scripture Union 36,089 Send A Cow 39,417 Skillshare Africa 150,132 SOS Sahel 206,930 South African Townships Health Fund 80,000 SPICMA 24,179 St. John Ambulance 9,738 Tanzania Development Trust 191 Tear Fund 75,800 Toch-H 11,024 Traidcraft Exchange 130,739 TRAX Programme Support 9,603 Tropical Health and Education Trust 15,446 TUIREG 14,709 Uganda Society for Disabled Children 173,909 United Kingdom Jewish Aid 95,000 UKFSP 125,297 University of Warwick 21,700 Urban Aid 62,477 VetAid 47,815 Village Service Trust 8,501 Vision Aid Overseas 26,149 VSO 65,000 Water Aid 772,325 Womankind 120,717 World University Service 176,642 World Vision 304,450 Worldwide Fund for Nature 1,510,000 Youth With A Mission 48,411 Y-Care International 52,856 Zimbabwe Trust 552,080 Zoological Society of London 40,000 TOTAL 27,963,597