HC Deb 19 October 1992 vol 212 cc216-8W
Ms. Janet Anderson

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list for each local authority area in England and Wales the number of mandatory housing improvement grants approved and granted in each year since 1987; and if he will indicate the percentage in respect of housing stock in the private sector.

Mr. Baldry

Two grant systems have been in operation during this period. The first, under the Housing Act 1985, ended in March 1990, although payments continue for grants approved before that date. The second, under the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, largely came into force from July 1990 in England and Wales.

Under the earlier system, mandatory grants were given to meet the cost of improving homes by putting in missing standard amenities such as baths, hot and cold water supplies and inside WCs. Discretionary grants were made towards the costs of improving homes to a good standard or to provide additional housing through conversions. In effect all intermediate grants and some special and repair grants were mandatory.

The current system also involves different types of grant. The mandatory elements are renovation grant for repairs required to bring a property up to the fitness standard; disabled facilities grant for essential works to make a dwelling more suitable for occupation by a disabled person; and both the houses in multiple occupation (HMO) grant and the common parts grant where a statutory repairs notice has been served. Grants are otherwise discretionary. All renovation, common parts and HMO grants are payable solely to the private sector.

Tables have been deposited in the Library showing the numbers of mandatory grants paid under the old system from 1987 to 1989. They also show for intermediate grants only the amounts paid to the private sector; a similar breakdown is not available for special or repair grants.

Total payments of intermediate, special and repair grants in 1990 and 1991 are shown in table 4 of "Local Housing Statistics" issue No. 101, a copy of which is in the Library. Information about the mandatory component of special and repair grants is not available for this period nor can payments of intermediate grants to the private sector be separately identified.

There is no information available about grant approvals under the earlier system.

Mandatory grants paid under the new system are also shown in table 4 of "Local Housing Statistics". Local authority level information about grants approved and of payments of disabled facilities grant to the private sector are not published, and tables have been deposited in the Library showing the available information.

The answer covers English local authorities as the Department is responsible for housing policy only in England.

Ms. Janet Anderson

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list for each local authority area in England and Wales the number of mandatory housing improvement grants approved but not yet granted; and what the cost to each local authority of meeting those grants will be.

Mr. Baldry

The Department does not collect this data directly. However information is collected on both approvals and grants paid under the improvement grant system established by the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, and this question can be answered for some local authorities by comparing the cumulative totals of the grants they have approved with grants paid.

A table prepared on this basis, covering those authorities which have provided the Department with complete information about their grant approvals and payments for the whole period from the start of the scheme in July 1990 to end-June 1992, has been deposited in the Library. The table covers mandatory renovation, houses in multiple occupation, common parts and disabled facilities grants. It relates to English local authorities as the Department is responsible for housing policy only in England.

Ms. Janet Anderson

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what representations he has received concerning the need to review the standard spending assessment criteria for north-east Lancashire to reflect the demand for mandatory housing improvement grants.

Mr. Robin Squire

We have had a number of representations from local authorities in the north-east Lancashire area concerning the resources available to meet demand for mandatory housing improvement grants. None of these, however, was specifically concerned with standard spending assessments.

Ms. Janet Anderson

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list for each local authority area in England and Wales the percentage of their annual expenditure relating to the payment of mandatory housing improvements grants for each year since 1987.

Mr. Baldry

I have arranged for the available information to be placed in the Library of the House.

Information for Wales is a matter for my right hon. Friend, the Secretary of State for Wales.

Ms. Janet Anderson

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment what advice he has given to local authorities in England and Wales about meeting the demand for mandatory housing improvement grants; and what information he has on the number of authorities that are reducing non-statutory provision of services in order to meet that demand.

Mr. Baldry

Advice was issued to all local housing authorities in England in the Department's Circular 12/90 about the funding arrangements for house renovation grants and the flexibility these provide to help authorities to meet the demand for mandatory grants. It is for authorities to decide the balance between their statutory and non-statutory expenditure within the total resources available to them. Information on this is not systematically collected by the Department. My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Wales is responsible for giving advice to local authorities in Wales.

Ms. Janet Anderson

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list for each local authority area in England and Wales the number of mandatory housing improvement grant applications awaiting approval.

Mr. Baldry

This information is not available in the Department.