HC Deb 06 November 1992 vol 213 cc463-4W
Mr. Corbyn

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security when his Department's new Finsbury Park local office will be opened; and if he will make a statement on the future of the Highgate DSS local office.

Mr. Burt

The provision of new, and the future of existing, local DSS offices is a matter for Mr. Michael Bichard, the chief executive of the Benefits Agency. He will write to the hon. Member with such information as is available and a copy will be placed in the Library.

Letter from M. Bichard to Mr. Jeremy Corbyn, dated 5 November 1992: As Chief Executive of the Benefits Agency, it is my responsibility to answer questions about relevant operational matters. I am therefore replying to the points raised in your recent Parliamentary Question to the Secretary of State for Social Security about the new Finsbury Park local office and the future of the Highgate office. Finsbury Park The main work on the new Finsbury Park local office was completed on 23 October 1992. Full completion, following the installation of computer cabling, is expected to be achieved by

Proportion of pensioner units in receipt of an occupational pension 1988
Group Percentage with an occupational pension (per cent.) Mean amount of occupational pension for those in receipt (£ per week) Median amount of occupational pension for those in receipt (£ per week)
Single men aged 65–74 66 42.70 24.90
Single men aged 75 and over 160 147.30 129.60
All single men aged 65 and over 63 44.80 26.40
Single women aged 60–74 53 41.90 25.80
Single women aged 75 and over 39 32.70 18.40
All single women aged 60 and over 46 38.00 21.00
Pensioner couples 70 68.00 33.90
All pensioner units 57 54.10 27.20
1 Based upon a sample of less than 100 cases.


1. Estimates are based upon data from "Occupational Pension Schemes 1987", a survey by the Government Actuary (HMSO) and the 1988 Family Expenditure Survey. Pension amounts are at 1988 levels.

2. Pensioner couples are defined as couples in which the husband is over state pension age; pensioner units are defined as pensioner couples or single people over state pension age.

3. Figures in square brackets are based upon a sample of less than 100 cases.

Mr. Bowden

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Security what number and proportion of all pensioners had no income from any source other than from state benefits for each of the last 10 years.

Miss Widdecombe

The table sets out information for the 10 years ending in 1988, the latest year for which information is available.

Year Percentage of pensioners with no income other than slate benefits Number of pensioners with no income other than state benefits (Thousands)
1979 22 1,500
1980 22 n/a
1981 21 1,400

17 November and the intention is to open to the public on 30 November 1992. Until then customers will continue to be served from the existing premises.


The search for a new building to rehouse the Highgate office continues and our service will, therefore, remain at Archway Tower for the time being.

I hope you find this reply helpful. A copy of this reply will appear in the Official Report. Copies are also being placed in the Library.

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