HL Deb 18 June 1992 vol 538 c18WA
Baroness Hilton of Eggardon

asked Her Majesty's Government:

In view of the conditions in prisons, why the 10 prison inspections reports published so far this year (1992) have taken between six months and one year between inspection and publication of the report; and

Why the report on the prison establishment at Risley, which was inspected 4th-6th September 1991, was not published until 2nd June 1992; and

Why the report on the prison establishment at Dartmoor, which was inspected 17th-22nd June 1991, was not published until 2nd June 1992; and

Why the report on the prison establishment at Camp Hill, which was inspected 5th-7th June 1991, was not published until 2nd June 1992.

Earl Ferrers

Twenty inspection reports by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons have been issued so far this year—10 full inspections and 10 short inspections.

Some time elapses between the date of an inspection and the submission of the Chief Inspector's findings to the Secretary of State while he prepares his report. The inspection report on Camp Hill was submitted on 6th September, the one on Risley on 23rd October, and the one on Dartmoor on 31st October 1991.

Recently, the average time between submission of the report and publication has been six months. Operational and staffing difficulties resulting from the aftermath of the Brixton escapes last year hindered speedier publication of reports received in the autumn, including those of Risley, Camp Hill and Dartmoor. Those difficulties have been overcome and the Director General of the Prison Service is giving priority to securing prompt responses and quicker publication.