§ Mr. MilburnTo ask the President of the Board of Trade what level of regional financial assistance has been made available to each intermediate and development area in each year since the last revision of the assisted areas map in 1984.
§ Mr. SainsburyExpenditure on regional financial assistance in the standard regions of Great Britain broken down into development areas and intermediate areas is set out in the following table. The schemes covered in the table are regional development grants, regional selective assistance and regional enterprise grants. A more detailed breakdown by assisted area is available only at disproportionate cost.
§ Mr. SainsburyInformation on regional financial assistance from 1978–79 at current prices and at 1978–79 prices is set out in the tables. The expenditure is gross of recoveries. Regional information on a net basis is not readily available.
Table 2 Government expenditure on regional financial assistance to industry at current prices1 £ million Region 1978–79 1979–80 1980–81 1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89 1989–90 1990–91 1991–92 Northern 158.8 129.6 109.2 117.8 98.5 76.7 70.4 51.4 70.7 53.4 61.1 50.0 33.6 23.6 Yorkshire and Humberside 37.4 29.2 37.9 41.0 33.0 21.4 24.9 19.4 21.6 18.9 22.9 13.8 11.6 6.7 East Midlands 3.4 3.8 3.4 6.2 8.5 10.3 6.4 4.7 5.5 4.6 4.0 4.1 2.2 1.0 South West 9.6 9.5 9.1 9.8 10.2 7.1 8.2 6.5 11.8 7.2 6.7 4.6 3.6 3.0 West Midlands2 3 0.2 0.1 — — — — — 3.8 5.5 9.4 11.9 8.5 7.1 3.2 North West 5114.1 582.3 598.8 5115.5 576.9 561.4 59.7 46.5 66.7 38.6 37.5 31.8 22.7 18.3 England 323.5 254.5 258.4 290.3 227.1 176.9 169.6 132.3 181.8 132.1 144.1 112.7 80.8 55.8 Wales 132.1 96.7 126.9 130.4 112.3 70.7 82.8 73.6 77.6 64.6 67.5 56.3 52.8 56.8 Scotland 156.1 115.9 140.8 153.6 227.7 134.7 105.0 104.8 124.8 74.8 68.9 61.8 62.8 50.0 Great Britain 611.7 467.1 526.1 574.3 567.1 382.3 357.4 310.7 384.2 271.5 280.5 230.8 196.4 162.6 Northern Ireland 102.6 92.8 103.2 76.4 94.7 67.8 79.4 84.4 75.5 62.1 57.3 53.3 51.8 50.8 United Kingdom 714.3 559.9 629.3 650.7 661.8 450.1 436.8 395.1 459.7 333.6 337.8 284.1 248.2 213.4 678W
Table 3 Index 1978–79 prices 1978–79 100.0 1979–80 116.7 1980–81 138.1 1981–82 151.4 1982–83 162.2 1983–84 169.7 1984–85 178.2 1985–86 188.0 1986–87 194.2 1987–88 204.8 1988–89 219.6 1989–90 234.0 1990–91 253.2 1991–92 270.9 1992–93 283.1 1993–94 292.9 1994–95 301.8 Notes: 1 All figures are gross and include payments to Nationalised Industries. 2 Includes some minor expenditure in West Midlands in respect of Oswestry TTWA which ceased to be an Assisted Area in 1982–83. 3Certain TTWAs in the West Midlands were designated as Assisted Areas on 29 November 1984. 4 Expenditure on a 1978–79 price basis for each year is calculated by applying the appropriate deflator to expenditure at current prices. 5 Includes expenditure in Cumbria, otherwise shown within the
totals for Northern Region. The items included in the expenditure are Regional Development Grants, Regional Selective Assistance and Regional Enterprise Grants; expenditure on Land and Factories by the English Industrial Estates Corporation, the Scottish and Welsh Development Agencies, the Development Board for Rural Wales, and the Highlands and Islands Development Board.
Northern Ireland has a different range of financial incentives available and the items included are Industrial Development Board grants and loans, expenditure on land and factories, Standard Capital Grants and Local Enterprise Development Unit grants and loans.