HC Deb 20 January 1992 vol 202 c73W
Mr. Simon Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales if he will make a statement on the results of the MAFF fisheries inspectorate monitoring with respect to the annual external and internal organ lifetime permitted internal radiation doses received by anglers who use and live near Trawsfynydd lake.

Mr. David Hunt

The current annual dose limit to members of the public recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) is 1 millisievert (mSv) per year. No distinction is made between external and internal sources, both components being included if relevant. When setting the limts for doses, ICRP recognises that radionuclides taken into the body may remain there for different periods.

For 1990, the fisheries radiological inspectorate of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food has calculated the following estimated dose rates for the most highly exposed group of local anglers at Trawsfynydd; 0.07 mSV from the consumption of fish caught in the lake (internal); 0–01 mSv from the inhalation of airborne sediment (internal); and 0–02 mSv from occupancy of the lakeside (external) making a total of 0–10 mSv to members of this group in 1990. This total is well within the internationally recommended safety limit of 1 mSv per year referred to in my reply of 18 December at columns 357–38.