HC Deb 21 October 1991 vol 196 c386W
Mr. Simon Hughes

To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list, in tabular form, the latest figures available for(a) carbon dioxide emissions per unit of gross national product and (b) carbon dioxide emissions per capita in (i) the United Kingdom and (ii) each of the other OECD countries.

Mr. Trippier

Estimated carbon dioxide emissions from energy use, per unit of gross national product and per capita for OECD countries, 1989, are as follows:

tonnes C1 per capita tones C1 per thousand US$
Canada 5.2 0.26
United States of America 5.9 0.29
Japan 2.3 0.10
Australia 4.5 0.27
New Zealand 2.4 0.20
Austria 2.2 0.14
Belgium 3.4 0.22
Denmark 3.2 0.16
Finland 3.7 0.16
France 2.0 0.12
Germany 3.6 0.23
Greece 2.3 0.42
Iceland 2.4 0.12
Ireland 2.3 0.27
Italy 2.0 0.14
Luxembourg 7.1 0.29
Netherlands 3.6 0.24
Norway 2.5 012
Portugal 1.3 0.29
Spain 1.6 0.17
Sweden 2.5 0.12
Switzerland 1.8 0.06
Turkey 0.8 0.54
United Kingdom 2.9 0.20

Sources: OECD Environmental Data Compendium 1991; OECD Annual National Accounts, Volume 1.

1Calculated using amount of carbon released.

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