HC Deb 26 November 1991 vol 199 c461W
Mr. Flynn

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if, pursuant to the reply to the hon. Member for Fulham (Mr. Carrington), of 18 November,Official Report, columns 52–56, he will place in the Library copies of the reports of each of the UNSCOM visits to Iraq listed in his reply; if he will list by name and expertise each of the United Kingdom inspectors or technical experts involved in each UNSCOM visit; and if he will set out the new information provided to Her Majesty's Government by the UNSCOM inspection visits, subsequent to knowledge of the Iraqi nuclear programme as at 19 April 1990.

Mr. Douglas Hogg

[holding answer 25 November 1991]: Reports of the IAEA nuclear inspections are already available in the House of Commons Library in the form of Security Council documents as follows: UNSCOM 1 and 4 in S/22788 of 15 July; UNSCOM 5 in S/22837 of 25 July; UNSCOM 6 in S/22986 of 28 August; UNSCOM 14 in S/23112 of 4 October and UNSCOM 16 in S/23122 of 8 October. We expect the report of UNSCOM 19 to be issued shortly. Reports of other inspections have not yet been made public.

United Kingdom nationals serving on the inspection teams have skills and expertise requested by the UN special commission and appropriate to the nature of the inspection for which they are provided. For reasons of personal security, I am not prepared to reveal their identities.

New information on Iraq's WMD programme is set out in the above documents and in the report submitted to the Security Council by the executive chairman of the special commission which is being made available in the House of Commons Library—document S/23165 of 25 October.

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