HL Deb 08 May 1991 vol 528 cc49-50WA
Lord McCluskey

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How they reconcile the Answer given by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Scotland (Mr. Allan Stewart) to Mr. Worthington (H.C. Deb., 17th April, col. 415), which, by referring to one of the only two Scottish Association for Mental Health projects in Scotland where the number of training weeks offered was increased, suggested that under the new system for financing training places the Scottish Association for Mental Health was to have an increase in trainee week places, with the fact that the number of training weeks offered to the Scottish Association for Mental Health for 1991–92 is 24,232, compared with 26,548 in 1990–91 (actual outturn), being a drop of 9 per cent.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Scottish Office (Lord Strathclyde):

My honourable friend's reply to the honourable Member for Clydebank and Milngavie on 17th April referred specifically and accurately to the Scottish Association for Mental Health's project in Tayside. The association has been negotiating with various local enterprise companies throughout Scotland for separate employment training contracts. The Government do not collect details of the number of training weeks offered to each training provider by each local enterprise company and do not expect Scottish Enterprise or Highlands and Islands Enterprise to do so either.