HC Deb 25 March 1991 vol 188 c306W
Mr. Strang

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what was the level of investment by the agriculture industry in(a) plant and machinery, (b) vehicles, (c) buildings and (d) works in England in 1979, 1980, 1985 and the latest year for which figures are available (i) in cash terms and (ii) at fixed prices.

Mr. Curry

Estimates of the level of new investment for each of the years requested is shown in the table for the categories of investment for which figures are available.

Regular Family and Hired workers engaged1 in agriculture in England
as at June Total Whole time
1980 189.7 140.7
1985 172.1 124.7
1990 145.7 100.0
1 Excluding salaried managers and seasonal and casual.

Source: June Agricultural Census.