HL Deb 16 July 1991 vol 531 c5WA
Lord Graham of Edmonton

asked her Majesty's Government:

Whether, following the death of Mr. Andrew Towell arising from a door opening on a Paddington to Swansea train, it has been established that the train was grossly over-crowded; whether the doors of that train were checked each time they were closed at intermediate stations; and what steps are being taken to ensure that such accidents do not happen again.

The Minister of State, Department of Transport (Lord Brabazon of Tara)

I understand that the train in question was not grossly overcrowded, and that Mr. Towell travelled in the vestibule of the carriage through choice rather than necessity. BR's standing instructions to guards and platform staff include the checking of doors before the train departs from a station. Following the accident, the staff were interviewed, and said that they had checked the doors. The Health and Safety Commission, with the agreement of my right honourable friend the Secretary of State: for Transport, has asked the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to undertake an independent investigation into the causes of falls from trains. The investigation is being led by HM Railway Inspectorate, with assistance from a number of HSE technical sections. It is looking in detail at all recent accidents, including the one to Mr. Towell.