HL Deb 12 February 1991 vol 526 c4WA
Lord Mountevans

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What progress has been made to set up the review of the animal feed industry announced in the Government's reply to the Fifth Report of the Commons Agriculture Committee, Session 1989–90, on BSE.

Baroness Trumpington

The Government undertook to establish a small group of experts to review the regulation of the whole animal feed industry in its response to a recommendation of the fifth report of the Agriculture Select Committee 1989–90. I am now able to announce that the group of experts has been set up. It comprises:

Professor Lamming, Chairman, Professor of Animal Physiology, Nottingham University.

Professor Thomas, Principal and chief executive of the Scottish Agricultural College.

Mr. Colin Maclean, Technical Director, Meat and Livestock Commission.

Dr. Mary Cooke, Deputy Director Public Health Laboratory Service.

The terms of reference are:

"To review the existing regulatory framework covering the animal feed industry in the United Kingdom. To advise on whether any improvements are required in the mechanisms by which the responsible departments take account of food safety requirements in regulating the industry and to report to Ministers by the end of 1991".

The first meeting of the group will be held very shortly.