HC Deb 29 October 1990 vol 178 cc348-51W
Mr. Sheerman

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will list all deaths that have occurred in 1990 of persons detained in prison department establishments, stating in each case the age and sex of the inmate, and cause of death, the inquest verdict, whether the inmate was sentenced or on remand, the establishment where the inmate was detained, and whether the death occurred there or in an outside hospital, and where the

Deaths of inmates in Her Majesty s Prison Service custody in 1990 (to 24 October 1990)
Date Establishment Age Sex Status Cause of death Inquest verdict Location at time of death1
6 January Durham 20 M S Hanging Not yet held OL
6 January Bristol 22 M S Hanging Suicide OL
10 January Lincoln 46 M R Suffocation Open PH
14 January Winchester 69 M R Angina Natural PH
22 January Liverpool 47 M S Hanging Open PH
25 January Manchester 37 M R Hanging Not yet held OL
10 February Reading 35 M S Brain Haemorrhage Natural OH
14 February Winchester 19 M R Hanging Open OL
21 February Camp Hill 24 M S Hanging Suicide OL
22 February Bedford 29 M R Hanging Suicide OL
28 February Hindley 18 M R Hanging Suicide OH
2 March Brixton 29 M R Hanging Open PH
2 March Manchester 37 M R Hanging Not yet held OL
3 March Pentonville 34 M R Asphyxiation Misadventure 5
14 March Wakefield 56 M S Heart Attack Natural 5
16 March Durham 27 M S Hanging Suicide OL
23 March Bristol 31 M R Hanging Suicide SEG
29 March Coldingley 24 M S Unknown Not yet held 2
3 April Swansea 25 M R Hanging Suicide SEG(OP)
7 April Dartmoor 27 M S Fire Suicide OL
8 April Highpoint 59 M S Asphyxia Suicide OL
8 April Stocken 35 M S Heart Attack Not yet held 5
11 April Wandsworth 31 M S Undetermined Open OL
15 April Wakefield 49 M S Heart Failure Natural 5
19 April Channings Wood 61 M S Carcinomatosis Natural OH
23 April Wayland 50 M S Heart Failure Natural 5
26 April Wandsworth 27 M R Meningitis Natural PH
9 May Wellingborough 54 M S Heart Failure Not yet held 5
11 May Wakefield 58 M S Carcinoma Bronchus Natural OH
18 May Exeter 31 M R Coronary Sclerosis Natural 5
19 May Wormwood Scrubs 25 M R Hanging Not yet held PH
19 May Ashwell 61 M S Cancer Not yet held PH
20 May Acklington 26 M S Hanging Suicide OL
28 May Cardiff 70 M S Cancer Not yet held OH
4 June Durham 35 F S Hanging Suicide OL
20 June Liverpool 54 M S Cancer Natural OH
22 June The Verne 40 M S Heart Attack Natural 5
25 June Hindley 18 M R Hanging Not yet held SEG(GOAD)
25 June Hindley 18 M R Hanging Not yet held SEG(GOAD)
26 June Bedford 27 M R Hanging Suicide PH
7 July Wakefield 52 M S Cerebral oedema Open OH
13 July Swansea 15 M R Hanging Not yet held OH
18 July Long Lartin 27 M S Stab Wound Not yet held PH
20 July Wandsworth 29 M S Pneumonia Not yet held OH
21 July Parkhurst 55 M S Lung cancer Natural OH
25 July Lewes 32 M R Hanging Suicide SEG(OP)
29 July Standford Hill 25 M S Heart Attack Not yet held 5
30 July Parkhurst 43 M S Drug overdose Accidental death 5
1 August Parkhurst 42 M S Heart Attack Natural PH
5 August Winchester 41 M S Hanging Not yet held OL
12 August Wakefield 31 M S Unknown Natural OH
12 August Leeds 17 M R Hanging Not yet held OL
15 August Bristol 23 M S Hanging Open SEG(OP)
1 September Wandsworth 22 M S Hanging Not yet held OL
5 September Birmingham 35 M S Hanging Not yet held OL
7 September Brixton 38 M R Hanging Not yet held OH
14 September North Sea Camp 37 M S Heart Attack Natural 3
15 September Oxford 23 M S Hanging Not yet held OL
16 September Brixton 39 M R Hanging Not yet held PH
21 September Lewes 30 M S Hanging Not yet held SEG(OP)
24 September Channings Wood 50 M S Cerebral oedema Not yet held 4
28 September Liverpool 29 M R Hanging Not yet held OL
28 September Wormwood Scrubs 36 M S Diabetes Not yet held 5

death occurred within the prison, if he will specify if the inmate was segregated either in the hospital wing or in the punishment block.

Mrs. Rumbold

The information is given in the table. Deaths occurred within the establishment unless otherwise indicated. Information about the location of the inmate at the time of death is not readily available in every case and I shall write to the hon. Member. None of the inmates located in the prison hospital at the time of death was segregated under rule 43 of the prison rules.

Date Establishment Age Sex Status Cause of death Inquest verdict Location at time of death1
29 September Hull 20 M R Hanging Not yet held PH
4 October Grendon 39 M S Hanging Not yet held PH
12 October Brixton 29 M R Cerebral oedema Not yet held OH
13 October Liverpool 27 M R Hanging Not yet held OH
13 October Wakefield 36 M S Hanging Not yet held OL
19 October The Verne 38 M S Hanging Not yet held SEG
1 Key to location:
OL—Ordinary location within the establishment.
PH—Located in the prison hospital.
SEG(OP)—Located in the segregation unit for the inmate's own protection (rule 43)
SEG(GOAD)—Located in the segregation unit for reasons of good order and discipline (rule 43)
OH—Outside hospital.
2 Inmate died while on home leave.
3 Inmate died after absconding.
4 Inmate died while trying to escape.
5 Information about location is not available.