HC Deb 03 May 1990 vol 171 cc633-4W
Mr. Macdonald

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland whether the 15 national nature reserves in Scotland currently owned by the Nature Conservancy Council are to be owned by the proposed Scottish Natural Heritage Agency on behalf of the Crown; and if he will make a statement.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

Yes. The proposed natural heritage agency will take over responsibility for all national nature reserves in Scotland whether managed by or under an agreement with the Nature Conservancy Council.

Mr. Macdonald

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland whether the Nature Conservancy Council has estimated the proportion of land in the flow country of Sutherland and Caithness which is likely to meet the criterion for notification as a site of special scientific interest; what consideration has been given to limiting the area of land to be notified as a site of special scientific interest; and if he will make a statement.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

There is no precise definition of the flow country but the Nature Conservancy Council has estimated that up to 40 per cent. of Sutherland and Caithness might meet one or more of the criteria for notification as a site of special scientific interest. This estimate includes land already notified. The council is now carrying out detailed ground surveys to identify precise boundaries for peatland sites. The framework for this programme of work is provided by the Highland regional council working party report on forestry in Caithness and Sutherland. The report was agreed by all members of the working party and endorsed by the Secretary of State on 21 March 1989.

Mr. Macdonald

To ask the Secretary of State for Scotland when he last designated an area under the Ramsar convention on the conservation of wetlands of international importance; if he will indicate the area which is next to be designated and when he expects to designate it; how many sites meet the criteria for designation and protection under the European Community directive on the conservation of wild birds and how many sites are so designated; and what is the name of the site next to be designated and the date he expects to designate it.

Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

I refer the hon. Member to the reply given in another place by my noble Friend the Minister of State on 25 April announcing the designation of four sites under the Ramsar convention. One other site has been proposed for designation by NCC: the Upper Solway flats and marshes site of special scientific interest. Further consultations are taking place about this site and no date for possible designation can be given at present.

The NCC has identified 129 sites which potentially meet the criteria for designation as special protection areas under the European Community wild birds directive (79/409/EEC). Eighteen SPAs have been designated. Further consultations are taking place about our proposed SPAs, including the Upper Solway site also proposed as a Ramsar site. It is not possible to say which will be dealt with first or to give a date for possible designation.