- Manhole Covers 181 words c136W
- Brewing 159 words c136W
- Structural Adjustments Initiative 101 words cc136-7W
- Securities and Investments Board 245 words c137W
- Calder Valley Trade and Industry Exhibition 74 words c137W
- Textile Mill Closures 46 words c137W
- Regional Policies 48 words cc137-8W
- Office of Fair Trading 82 words c138W
- Arms Conversion 46 words c138W
- Financial Services 135 words c138W
- Companies Act 1989 104 words cc138-9W
- Import and Export Licences 224 words c139W
- Import Restrictions 88 words c139W
- ECGD Insurance Service Group 99 words c139W
- MV Derbyshire 100 words cc139-40W
- Uruguay Round 196 words