HC Deb 14 July 1989 vol 156 cc649-50W
Mr. Dalyell

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the visit of the right hon. Member for Bath (Mr. Patten) to Brazil to discuss rain forest problems.

Mr. Heddle

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will publish in theOfficial Report a statement of the objectives achieved by the Minister for Overseas Development on his recent visit to Brazil.

Mr. Chris Patten

The main purpose of my visit was to sign, on 5 July, a memorandum of understanding on technical co-operation on environmental matters. On that day I also met President Sarney and other leading Brazilian figures. The agreement is the first of its kind which Brazil has made with an industrialised country and will provide the framework for a significant contribution to Brazil's environmental problems, especially in forestry where we have unique expertise.

I also visited Sao Paulo and the Amazon region where I had discussions with the major research institutions. I saw our very successful Royal Geographical Society project at Maraca, visited an area reserved for the Yanomani Indians and saw a hospital provided for them.

Our additional technical co-operation programme, the details of which we will now discuss with the Brazilian authorities, is likely to cover five areas: first, urban environment, in particular sewage and water treatment; secondly, the sustainable management of the Amazon rain forest, where we hope to be involved in establishing a new biological reserve in the Xingu river area; thirdly, collaborative research on the relationship between the forests and climate, involving the Institute of Hydrology; fourthly, research into the great potential of the genetic resources of the Amazon; and we hope to begin soon with a research project into aromatic plants undertaken by the Goeldi museum in Belem; and, fifthly, training in the United Kingdom and in Brazil in matters related to these areas.

The visit shows that important progress is possible in these fields if the countries concerned adopt a co-operative spirit. Throughout my visit, I made it clear that we recognise Brazil's sensitiveness and sovereignty and the Brazilian Government responded in a helpful and positive way. I am sure that both countries will gain from the partnership.

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