HC Deb 16 February 1989 vol 147 cc367-8W
Mr. Leighton

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what is the median time notified vacancies remain at London jobcentres, broken down by classification.

Mr. Cope

The table shows the latest available information which is also in the Library. Analysis of median durations is shown in respect of(a) vacancies filled by jobcentres over the period 5 September to 2 December 1988 and (b) the stock vacancies remaining unfilled at jobcentres on 2 December 1988. Median durations are not estimated in respect of the total time that all vacancies, including notifications subsequently cancelled, remain in the jobcentre records.

Median duration in weeks of filled and unfilled vacancies at jobcentres in Greater London by occupation
(a) (b)
Occupation Filled vacancies1 5 September to 2 December 1988 Unfilled vacancies2 2 December 1988
Managerial and professional 2.4 4.8
Clerical 1.0 4.0
Cashiers 1.9 3.8
Secretaries and typists 2.1 4.1
Other non-manual 1.3 4.7
Textile processing crafts 1.7 3.0
Food processing crafts 2.8 3.7
Glass and ceramic crafts 1.9 4.8
Printing and bookbinding crafts 1.8 5.4
Textile and leather working 3.1 5.4
Woodworking crafts 1.5 4.1
Metal making and treating 1.0 3.5
Setters 2.3 4.0
Turners 3.1 4.7
Setter operators 2.9 4.9
Tool makers 2.0 7.0
Fitters and fitter machinists 2.8 4.5
Vehicle making 2.5 3.5
Instrument makers 2.8 6.8
Electrical and electronic 2.3 4.6
Plumbing crafts 2.3 3.1
Constructional metal crafts 2.1 5.0
Painting and coating crafts 0.3 3.8
Construction crafts 0.7 3.8
Mining crafts 30.1 31.86
Electricity power plant operators 38.7 34.0
Craftsmen and foremen N.E.S. 2.1 3.3
General labourers 0.2 4.0
Clerical sales and security 0.3 4.3
Catering and domestic 0.7 3.5
Road sweeping and personal service 1.3 3.3
Farming and fishing etc. 1.1 4.9
Processing making and repairing 1.5 4.2
(a) (b)
Occupation Filled vacancies1 5 September to 2 December 1988 Unfilled vacancies2 2 December 1988
Assembly packaging 0.5 4.2
Construction 0.2 4.3
Goods driving 1.4 3.0
Other transport operating 0.3 3.9
Storekeeping and materials moving 0.8 2.9
Miscellaneous 0.2 3.0
All occupations 0.8 3.9
1 The time since notification exceeded by 50 per cent. of the vacancies filled by jobcentres.
2 The time since notification exceeded by 50 per cent. of unfilled vacancies registered at jobcentres.
3 Medians are likely to be affected by the small number vacancies in these cases.

Mr. Leighton

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment how many vacancies flowed through London jobcentres in the last 12 months.

Mr. Cope

The inflow of vacancies notified to jobcentres in Greater London, over the 12 months to December 1988 was 407,800, with a total outflow of 420,100 either filled or cancelled vacancies from the jobcentre records. These totals are based on the monthly seasonally adjusted series. They do not represent the total flow of vacancies in the economy.