HC Deb 13 February 1989 vol 147 c89W
Mr. Flynn

To ask the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he has made any assessment of the study undertaken by Friends of the Earth of the potential radioactive pollution of the River Esk by Americium 241, caesium 137 and other radioisotopes released from Sellafield.

Mr. Donald Thompson

My officials have only just received a copy of the report in question from Friends of the Earth and are studying this. I have, however, seen various press reports referring to statements by Friends of the Earth about radioactivity in the area of the river Esk. These reports refer to comparisons between measured levels of radioactivity and the generalised derived limits (GDLs) recommended by the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB). Such comparisons are not valid. The GDLs provide a simple but crude way of demonstrating the environmental acceptability of given levels of radioactivity, but they do not provide means of calculating dose. The GDLs are intended for situations where no information is available on land usage, local habits and other factors relevant to the radiation exposure of people in the area. This is patently not the case around the river Esk. On the basis of extensive monitoring conducted by my scientists, British Nuclear Fuels plc and others, it has been clearly established that there is no risk of unacceptable exposure of man from these contamination levels.