HL Deb 08 February 1989 vol 503 c1651WA
Lord Donaldson of Kingsbridge

asked Her Majesty's Government:

(i) whether a single company was the owner of both the barges which collided with Battersea Bridge in the two recent accidents to the bridge; (ii) what will be the estimated cost of repairing the bridge in relation to each accident; (iii) what is the estimated cost to the public and to public transport authorities as a result of the two periods of closure; and (iv) what penalties by way of fines or damages can be obtained from the company or companies concerned towards meeting these costs.

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Transport (Lord Brabazon of Tara)

  1. (i) Yes.
  2. (ii) The estimated cost of repairing damage caused in the accident in September 1988 is £35,000. No estimates are yet available for the cost of repairing the more recent damage.
  3. (iii) This is primarily a matter for the London Borough of Wandsworth and for London Regional Transport.
  4. (iv) Under the Port of London Act 1968, if it was found that the master of the tug had navigated his vessel in a manner liable to cause injury or endanger the bridge, he could be fined up to £2,000 on summary conviction, or an unspecified sum on indictment. The question of damages is a civil matter.