Mr. Douglas Hogg
[holding answer 20 March 1989]: The following tables show escapes by prisoners from closed prisons. The information in relation to the years from 1979 to 1985–86 has largely been derived from published annual reports on the work of the prison department, the most convenient source. The information for 1984–85 covers the 15-month period from 1 January 1984–31 March 1985. Thereafter, information relates to the financial year, until the final period which covers from 1 April to 31 December 1988:
Establishment |
Number |
1979 |
Acklington |
4 |
Brixton |
1 |
Camp Hill |
4 |
Channings Wood |
7 |
Dorchester |
1 |
Erlestoke House |
2 |
Featherstone |
7 |
Haverigg |
6 |
Liverpool |
2 |
Northallerton |
1 |
Northeye |
19 |
Norwich |
23 |
Standford Hill |
27 |
The Verne |
11 |
Wymott |
2 |
Total |
97 |
1980 |
Acklington |
2 |
Brixton |
4 |
Camp Hill |
4 |
Canterbury |
1 |
Channings Wood |
3 |
Coldingley |
1 |
Erlestoke |
4 |
Exeter |
1 |
Featherstone |
2 |
Establishment |
Number |
Haverigg |
2 |
Liverpool |
2 |
Northallerton |
1 |
Northeye |
12 |
Norwich |
3 |
Preston |
1 |
Ranby |
2 |
Standford Hill |
20 |
The Verne |
6 |
Total |
71 |
1981 |
Acklington |
1 |
Beckingham |
1 |
Exeter |
1 |
Haverigg |
1 |
Highpoint |
4 |
Lancaster |
1 |
Manchester |
1 |
Northeye |
16 |
Norwich |
3 |
Ranby |
1 |
Rollestone |
6 |
Standford Hill |
32 |
The Verne |
10 |
Wymott |
1 |
Total |
79 |
1982 |
Birmingham |
5 |
Brixton |
1 |
Camp Hill |
3 |
Channings Wood |
2 |
Erlestoke |
9 |
Grendon |
1 |
Haverigg |
5 |
Highpoint |
3 |
Leeds |
1 |
Maidstone |
2 |
Manchester |
1 |
Northeye |
25 |
Norwich |
10 |
Nottingham |
6 |
Preston |
3 |
Ranby |
1 |
Standford Hill |
23 |
Swinfen Hall |
2 |
The Verne |
11 |
Wandsworth |
2 |
Establishment |
Number |
Wymott |
1 |
Total |
117 |
1983 |
Acklington |
4 |
Bedford |
4 |
Cardiff |
1 |
Channings Wood |
4 |
Exeter |
2 |
Haverigg |
3 |
Highpoint |
4 |
Manchester |
1 |
Northeye |
36 |
Norwich |
4 |
Ranby |
5 |
Stafford |
4 |
Standford Hill |
22 |
The Verne |
2 |
Wymott |
1 |
Total |
97 |
1984–85 |
Birmingham |
1 |
Cardiff |
1 |
Channings Wood |
9 |
Coldingley |
1 |
Haverigg |
14 |
Highpoint |
8 |
Lewes |
2 |
Maidstone |
2 |
Northeye |
14 |
Norwich |
4 |
Oxford |
1 |
Preston |
2 |
Ranby |
7 |
Reading |
1 |
Standford Hill |
42 |
The Verne |
5 |
Total |
114 |
1985–86 |
Acklington |
5 |
Blundeston |
2 |
Brixton |
5 |
Channings Wood |
6 |
Featherstone |
7 |
Haverigg |
5 |
Highpoint |
10 |
Lewes |
1 |
Lindholme |
5 |
Maidstone |
1 |
Northeye |
23 |
Norwich |
17 |
Oxford |
2 |
Pentonville |
4 |
Ranby |
11 |
Stocken |
1 |
The Verne |
2 |
Wayland |
6 |
Wormwood Scrubs |
1 |
Wymott |
3 |
Total |
117 |
1986–87 |
Acklington |
1 |
Blundeston |
2 |
Cardiff |
3 |
Channings Wood |
1 |
Dartmoor |
1 |
Featherstone |
2 |
Haverigg |
5 |
Highpoint |
7 |
Lindholme |
13 |
Manchester |
4 |
Establishment |
Number |
Northeye |
10 |
Norwich |
5 |
Pentonville |
1 |
Ranby |
11 |
Send |
2 |
Stafford |
1 |
The Verne |
4 |
Wayland |
6 |
Total |
79 |
1987–88 |
Acklingtom |
3 |
Aldington |
7 |
Bedford |
2 |
Bristol |
2 |
Brixton |
2 |
Camp Hill |
1 |
Canterbury |
1 |
Channings Wood |
6 |
Cookham Wood |
2 |
Dartmoor |
1 |
Exeter |
1 |
Featherstone |
3 |
Gartree |
— |
Havering |
5 |
Highpoint |
7 |
Holloway |
1 |
Lindholme |
26 |
Manchester |
2 |
Medomsley |
1 |
Northeye |
2 |
Norwich |
4 |
Nottingham |
1 |
Oxford |
1 |
Pentonville |
3 |
Preston |
2 |
Ranby |
1 |
Send |
4 |
Shepton Mallet |
3 |
StafTord |
2 |
The Verne |
5 |
Thorp Arch |
1 |
Wayland |
8 |
Winchester |
1 |
Wymott |
2 |
Total |
115 |
1988 (from 1 April) |
Acklington |
3 |
Ashwell |
7 |
Bedford |
3 |
Brixton |
2 |
Camp Hill |
1 |
Channings Wood |
3 |
Dartmoor |
2 |
Featherstone |
9 |
Havering |
3 |
Highpoint |
21 |
Lindholme |
21 |
Littlehey |
3 |
Manchester |
2 |
Norwich |
2 |
Nottingham |
1 |
Pentonville |
7 |
Ranby |
6 |
Rollestone |
1 |
Stocken |
1 |
Swansea |
2 |
The Verne |
6 |
Thorp Arch |
1 |
Wayland |
2 |
Wymott |
3 |
Total |
112 |