HC Deb 13 May 1988 vol 133 cc259-60W
Mr. Straw

To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will list all plans and propositions of which he is aware for the establishment of city technical colleges, with details in each case of(a) the foundation, trusts or individuals supporting the proposition; (b) the number of pupils for whom the school will cater; (c) the amount of (i) private funds, and (ii) maximum Exchequer contribution to (x) capital establishment, and set-up costs and (y) running costs; (d) the planned date of opening; (e) whether the proposition involves a change in character of an existing school; and (f) the address of the proposed school.

Mr. Kenneth Baker

The full details requested are available in respect of only the Kingshurst and Nottingham CTCs and are as follows: the principal sponsors are Hanson plc and Lucas Industries at Kingshurst and Mr. Harry Djanogly at Nottingham. Each college will provide for about 1,000 pupils; for the Kingshurst CTC the estimated capital cost of acquiring the site and adapting part of the existing buildings is £3.45 million, £1 million of which was contributed by Hanson plc. Additional capital costs, which have not yet been determined, will also be shared between the Department and the Kingshurst CTC Trust. The Kingshurst CTC Trust expects to raise at least £1 million for this purpose; the cash limit for capital expenditure on the Nottingham CTC is £9.05 million; £1.4 million has already been raised by the private sector; the normal running costs of CTCs will be met by Exchequer grant; it is for sponsors to decide whether to make additional sums available to CTCs; Kingshurst will open in September 1988, Nottingham in September 1989. Both colleges are entirely new establishments and involve no "change of character" by existing schools; their addresses are the Kingshurst CTC, PO Box 1017, Cooks Lane, Kingshurst, Birmingham B37 6NZ and the Nottingham CTC, Sherwood Rise, New Basford, Nottingham.

Dixons plc, the Philip and Pauline Harris Trust, the Mercers Company and Thamesmead Town have each announced plans to provide sponsorship of at least £1 million towards three more CTCs. I am not yet in a position to give details of the locations or the division of capital expenditure.

The CTC Trust has acquired a site for a CTC in Middlesbrough: there and elsewhere detailed discussions are taking place with a number of prospective sponsors who are not yet ready to declare their hand but who are committed in principle to provide financial support of at least £1 million.

I am also aware of other bodies which have expressed an interest but which have not made a direct approach to the Department. It would be inappropriate to name the bodies until such an approach is made.