HC Deb 03 May 1988 vol 132 cc438-9W
Mr. Boyes

To ask the Lord President of the Council if he will list the Bills that have been introduced since October 1987 by Departments and the number of hours of parliamentary time devoted thereto at each stage.

Hours of Consideration
Bill Department Second Reading Committee Report1 Third Reading Lords Amendment
Social Security DHSS 6.34 43.30 11.31 0.48 3.03
Employment Employment 4.34 55.24 12.41 0.49
Urban Development Corporations (Financial Limits) Environment 6.13 1.40 1.25 0.47
Licencing Home 5.37 22.43 6.24 3.5
Immigration Home 6.02 50.33 5.05 0.24
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency FCO 2.40 0.20 0.26
Housing Environment 8.20 102.23
Education Reform DES 6.37 151.15 22.30 2.16
Health and Medicines DHSS 6.15 63.30 12.18
Local Government Finance Environment 12.07 128.52 29.08 1.14
Housing (Scotland) Scottish Office 5.32 73.27 10.45
Criminal Justice [Lords] Home 6.23 79.07
Firearms (Amendment) Home 6.39 25.32
Regional Development Grants (Termination) Environment 5.43 17.03 3.02
Merchant Shipping [Lords] Transport 3.53 16.32 5.30
Farm Land and Rural Development [Lords] MAFF 3.18 11.04
British Steel Trade and Industry 5.27 257.20
School Boards (Scotland) Scottish Office 614 27.30
Finance (No. 2) Treasury 6.12
Copyright Designs and Patents [Lords] Trade and Industry 5.25
Committee of the Whole House
Income and Corporation Taxes [Lords] Lord Chancellors Department 0.04 0.24
Welsh Development Agency Welsh Office 2.53 31.51
1 Report includes Third Reading where no substandial debate took place.
2 Indicates stage not completed.
3 Includes remaining stages.