HC Deb 10 June 1988 vol 134 cc687-8W
Mr. Wigley

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales (1) if he will list the certificate of education courses available(a) in English, and (b) in Welsh;

(2) if he will list, by secondary school, the subject entries and number of candidates (a) per subject offered through the medium of Welsh and (b) per subject offered through the medium of English, for the certificate of education examination;

(3)how many staff are employed by the Welsh Joint Examination Council to organise, administer and develop Welsh medium certificate of education courses.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

Certificate of education courses are administered by the Welsh joint education committee (WJEC). Information relating to courses is not held by the Department; any such requests should be directed to the WJEC.

Mr. Wigley

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many statemented children there are at present in Welsh medium or bilingual primary and secondary schools, and at Welsh units, in each Welsh local education authority area.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

The information as at January 1987 is as follows:

Number of statemented pupils in Welsh medium or bilingual schools or Welsh units
Local education authority Primary Secondary
Clwyd 43 20
Dyfed 98 15
Gwent 6
Gwynedd 181 117
Mid Glamorgan 69 43
Powys 30 4
South Glamorgan 5
West Glamorgan 15 1

Mr. Wigley

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales how many statemented children in each Welsh education authority area have been transferred from Welsh medium or bilingual schools as a result of the statementing.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

This information is not collected centrally.

Mr. Wigley

To ask the Secretary of State for Wales what information he has as to the numbers of the following professionals by local education authority in Wales; and in each case how many are able to carry out their work through medium of Welsh as well as English(a) educational psychologists, (b) educational social workers, (c) speech therapists, (d) advisory teachers in social and emotional problems, (e) special education advisers, (f) education welfare officers and (g) advisory teachers for the hearing impaired, visually impaired, etc.

Mr. Wyn Roberts

Information on the number of specialist advisers employed by local education authorities is not held centrally. For information about the number of speech therapists, I refer the hon. Gentleman to my hon. Friend's reply to him of 1 March.

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