HC Deb 20 July 1988 vol 137 cc666-7W
Ms. Harman

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if he will list for each district health authority in England, the number of whole-time equivalent health visitors employed per head of the population aged (a) up to five years and (b)65 years and over;

(2) if he will list, for every health authority in England (a) the number of whole-time equivalent district nurses employed in 1979–80, (b) the number of whole-time equivalent district nurses employed in 1986–87 and (c) the number of district nurses employed per 1,000 of the population aged 65 years and over;

(3) if he will indicate, for each district health authority in England, the number of whole-time equivalent health visitors employed in (a)1979–80 and (b)1986–87.

Mr. Newton

[/holding answer 14 July 1988]: I regret that it is not possible to provide all the information requested.

The number of health visitors and the total qualified district nursing staff employed in each region at September 1979 and September 1986 is shown in the table. Comparable figures by district health authority for 1979 and 1986 are not available because of the 1982 NHS reorganisation. As regards ratios of staff to population it is not meaningful to provide such information for specific age groups as the staff provide care to all ages.

Qualified health visitors and district nursing staff employed in each regional health authority—30 September
Wholetime equivalents1
Qualified health visitors2 Qualified district nursing staff3
1979 1986 1979 1986
Northern 560 690 1,050 1,160
Yorkshire 670 740 1,060 1,110
Trent 780 960 1,330 1,520
East Anglian 310 370 530 590
North West Thames 680 810 930 990
North East Thames 600 740 1,000 1,010
South East Thames 710 830 1,160 1,240
South West Thames 670 640 930 970
Wessex 530 610 720 910
Oxford 530 560 690 690
South Western 590 680 840 970
West Midlands 980 1,120 1,430 1,570
Mersey 490 500 740 800
North Western 920 1,170 1,530 1,640
London Post-Graduate Special Health Authorities 20
England total 9,010 10,430 13,930 15,190

Source: DHSS Annual Census of NHS Non-Medical Manpower.


1 Figures are independently rounded to the nearest ten (10) wholetime equivalents.

2 Includes health visitors in both the Community and School Health Services, HV fieldwork teachers, TB visitors with HV certificate, dual/triple posts (HV/DN/Mid) and bank health visitors. Excludes HV students and other qualified and unqualified nursing staff.

3 Includes district nurse practical work teachers; registered and enrolled nurses assisting district nurses, dual posts (DN/Mid) and bank district nurses. Excludes DN students and unqualified nursing staff.

Numbers entering registered and enrolled mental handicap nurse training—England—Years ended 31 March
1984–851 1985–861 1986–872
Registered training Enrolled training Registered training Enrolled training Registered training Enrolled training
Northern 61 23 48 Nil 77
Yorkshire 63 30 67 18 72 9
Trent 79 46 59 23 101 26
East Anglian 23 10 28 6 36 20
North West Thames 56 48 33 15 21 19
North East Thames 48 28 35 14 39 35