HC Deb 04 July 1988 vol 136 cc444-5W
Mr. Ralph Howell

To ask the Secretary of State for Social Services how many(a) single parents, and (b) persons in single-parent families there were in (i) 1979 and (ii) in the current year; and how many in (a) and (b) were dependant on state or family support.

Mr. Portillo

The figures show the most recent information available. Details of the number of persons in single parent families are not available by benefit but the average number of dependent children per family in lone parent families is estimated at 1.6 for 1982–84.

1979 1984
Number of lone parent families1 815,000 940,000
Number of lone parent families receiving supplementary benefit or FIS at 31 December2 363,000 598,000
[Number of lone parents receiving one-parent benefit 381,000 517,000]

1Based on a sample survey from the GHS and averaged over the appropriate three years (see "One Parent Families in GB" Population Trends 45 pp 5–13 HMSO 1986.)

2Extracted from information in "Social Security Statistics"—1980 and 1985.