HC Deb 11 January 1988 vol 125 cc38-9W
Mr. Corbyn

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what contacts with the Government of Thailand have been made in respect of Mr. Sidney Clarke, a British prisoner; whether a King's pardon has been applied for; and if he is satisfied with the medical attention Mr. Clarke is receiving.

Mr. Eggar

Her Majesty's embassy in Bangkok have been in contact with the appropriate Thai authorities in connection with both Mr. Clarke's royal pardon application and medical attention for him.

Our consular staff visit Mr. Clarke regularly, and officials in Britain maintain close touch with his family.

Mr. Clarke's application for a King's pardon was submitted in June 1986. The embassy has established that it has reached the royal household.

There is a prison doctor available. Where necessary the Thai prison authorities arrange for prisoners to receive treatment in outside hospitals. Mr. Clarke has declined to consult the prison doctor. He recently agreed, however, to see a local British doctor if the embassy can obtain the necessary permission from the Thai prison authorities. The embassy has applied for this.

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