HL Deb 19 December 1988 vol 502 c1244WA
Lord Milverton asked

Her Majesty's Government:

Whether progress has been made in recognising the training provided by the Nursery Education Board as a qualification in nursery school education.

Viscount Davidson

The National Nursery Examinations Board (NNEB) certificate is recognised as providing training which qualifies nursery assistants to work in publicly funded nursery schools in England and Wales. It is not, however, recognised as a teaching qualification.

The NNEB certificate does not meet the criteria for the training of teachers in England and Wales as set out by the Secretaries of State for Education and Science and Wales in DES Circular 3/84 and Welsh Office Circular 21/84. The qualifications of nursery school staff outside the publicly funded sector are a matter for the relevant governing authorities.