HL Deb 15 December 1988 vol 502 c1117WA

1. I am writing to you as Chairman of Sub-Committee I to give the Government's observations on the Sub-Committee's Interim Report which was published on 27 October last.

2. The Government appreciates the thorough and far-reaching enquiry which the Sub-Committee is making into this important subject; and the reasons that led you to make an interim report. The Government welcomes this report as timely further evidence of the remarkable and exciting developments in the biological sciences; of the growing realisation of their pervasive and complex nature; of their enormous potential for good; and of the way these changes rightly bring under review established perspectives and practices.

3. The Government has noted carefully the Sub-Committee's opinion; and in particular their recommendations concerning the remit of SERC, the merger of AFRC and NERC, and the related recommendation on the future development of the Biotechnology Advisory Group. It will be giving these and related matters careful consideration over the coming months. As the Sub-Committee knows, the Advisory Board for the Research Councils (ABRC) is currently reviewing the Research Councils' responsibilities for biological sciences. The Government believes that the Sub-Committee's interim report should be helpful to the Board conducting this exercise. The Government would wish to have the results of that review and the Board's advice on it before reaching final conclusions on whether changes are needed in the structure and responsibilities of the Research Councils and, if so, what changes would be appropriate. I hope to have that advice during the early months of next year.

4. In these circumstances, the Government does not intend to respond further at this time to the Sub-Committee's interim report. We look forward with interest to your final report, to which we will respond in the normal way.

5. In accordance with past practice I shall be making this letter available to both Houses, and publishing it."