HC Deb 12 December 1988 vol 143 cc473-4W
Mr. Tony Banks

To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what plans his Department has for the Inner

Occupational injuries
Year Fatal injuries to 1Over 3 day injuries to
Employees only Employees and self employed Non-fatal major injuries to employees and self employed Employees Employees and self employed
1974 651 .. .. 577 ..
1975 620 .. .. .. ..
1976 584 .. .. 553 ..
1977 524 .. .. 579 ..
1978 499 622 .. 581 ..
1979 492 615 .. 509 ..
21980 440 579 .. 407 ..
1981 444 498 12,407 435 ..
1982 471 519 12,413 390 ..
1983 447 512 12,567 .. ..
1984 438 498 12,638 .. ..
1985 399 470 13,381 .. ..
3 41986 98 108 4,053 .. ..
51986–87 356 413 20,872 158 159
.. Not available.
1 Over 3 day absences leading to claims for industrial injury benefit from DHSS, years starting on 1st Monday in June 1974–80. Claims as notified to HSE under the Notification of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (NADOR) for the calendar years 1981–82. The figures from 1974 to 1982 include absences caused by injuries currently classified as major. For 1986–87 see footnote 5.
2 1978–80 fatalities include some to non-employees not covered by then existing legislation, but which were voluntarily reported.
3 January to March.
4 1981-March 1986 fatalities and major injuries to employees and self employed persons reported to the Health and Safety Executive or other appropriate enforcing authority under, and as defined in, the Notification of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (NADOR).
5 Fatalities, major injuries and over 3 day absences to employees and self employed persons reported under, and as defined in the Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, 1985 (RIDDOR) in the year commencing 1 April 1986.

Occupational Diseases

The total number of awards under the industrial injuries and disablement benefit schemes for cases of occupational disease arising between 1974 and 1987 is listed below. The figures quoted up to 1983 are for Injury and Disablement benefit cases combined; thereafter they relate only to Disablement Benefit.

London education authority careers service after the transfer of educational functions to inner London boroughs in April.

Mr. Cope

Local education authorities have the statutory duty to provide a careers service. After 1 April 1990 this responsibility will pass from ILEA to the inner London boroughs. Discussions are currently taking place with those boroughs and LEAs in the London area about the assumption of these duties and about whether there is a need for some central provision in support of local careers services.

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