HL Deb 11 April 1988 vol 495 c963WA
The Earl of Kimberley

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they prepare separate annual budgets and annually audited accounts for each of the Faskally Salmon and Freshwater Research Laboratory, its individual outstations and research programmes; and whether this information is publicly available, and, if not, why not.

The Minister of State, Scottish Office (Lord Sanderson of Bowden)

Budgets are prepared annually in respect of salmon and freshwater fisheries research and development programmes. While these costs are not shown separately, they are included in the "Fisheries and Marine" data table for Scottish departments in the publicly available Cabinet Office Annual Review of Government Funded R&D. Separate budgets are not prepared for the Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory and its various outstations and there is no requirement to produce annual audited accounts.