HC Deb 26 October 1987 vol 121 cc181-5W
Mr. Robin Cook

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) if he will publish in the Official Report a table based on table 3.15.1 of the public expenditure White Paper (Cm 56-II) with all the figures converted to 1986–76 prices;

(2) if he will publish in the Official Report a table based on table 3.15 of the public expenditure White Paper (Cm 56-II) with all figures converted to 1986–87 prices.

Mr. Scott

The information requested is set out in the tables. The figures have been converted to 1986–87 prices using the GDP deflators (a different price deflator from the one used for uprating benefits) for assumed future inflation underlying the figures in Cm 56.

Table 1 Social Security expenditure
£ million (1986–87 prices)
1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89 1989–90
outturn outturn outturn outturn outturn estimated outturn plans plans1 plans1
Pension benefits
Retirement pension
—basic element 15,415 16,072 16,570 16,592 16,871 17,538 17,710 17,500 17,700
—earnings-related component 24 48 68 95 145 201 263 300 400
Christmas bonus 129 121 117 115 108 107 104 100 100
Widows' benefits, etc
—basic element 875 852 861 830 787 797 767 800 700
—earnings-related component 5 11 17 28 34 42 50 100 100
Unemployment, incapacity and other benefits
Unemployment benefit 2,167 1,785 1,705 1,723 1,637 1,704 1,513 1,500 1,500
Sickness benefit 866 659 302 305 284 157 126 100 100
Invalidity benefit
—basic element 1,711 1,832 2,055 2,237 2,308 2,446 2,537 2,600 2,700
—earnings related component 33 63 76 109 131 166 197 200 300
Death grant 22 20 19 19 19 18
Industrial injuries benefit
Industrial disablement benefit 401 408 420 416 420 425 390 400 400
Industrial death benefit 60 61 61 60 61 62 61 100 100
Other industrial injuries benefits 6 6 6 5 4 4 3
Family benefits
Maternity allowance 201 181 161 176 169 167 66
Guardian's allowance and child's special allowance 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
Total contributory benefit expenditure 21,915 22,121 22,441 22,713 22,978 23,836 23,789 23,700 24,100
Pension benefits
Non-contributory retirement pension 50 48 47 43 42 38 37
Christmas bonus 8 7 7 7 7 7 7
War pension 610 600 597 594 598 572 573 600 500
Disability benefits
Attendance allowance 420 479 564 629 707 776 806 800 900
Invalid care allowance 8 10 11 12 13 191 90 100 100
Non-contributory invalidity pension/severe disablement allowance 166 183 207 253 254 260 259 300 300
Mobility allowance 220 281 346 389 435 507 538 600 600
Supplementary benefit2/income support/social fund
Supplementary pension 1,805 1,722 808 972 1,107 1,123 1,178
Supplementary allowance
—long-term rate 1,047 1,487 1,485 1,692 1,762 1,861 1,923 8,000 8,000
—short-term rate 3,310 4,240 4,074 4,402 4,868 5,038 4,920
Family benefits
Child benefit 4,293 4,355 4,541 4,669 4,602 4,515 4,457 4,300 4,300
One parent benefit 97 108 122 131 138 148 150 200 200
Family income supplement/family credit 84 112 140 138 134 148 133 400 400
Maternity grant 20 19 19 20 18 17
Housing benefit3
Rent rebate 633 1,105 2,254 2,343 2,363 2,434 2,413 2,300 2,400
Rent allowance 83 88 611 750 857 1,020 978 900 1,000
Total non-contributory benefit expenditure 12,854 14,843 15,830 17,041 17,906 18,655 18,459 18,500 18,500

1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89 1989–90
outturn outturn outturn outturn outturn estimated outturn plans plans1 plans1
Total benefit expenditure 34,770 36,966 38,271 39,753 40,884 42,491 42,249 42,200 42,600
Administration and miscellaneous services4
National Insurance Fund administration (collection of contributions and payment of contributory benefits) 933 872 790 882 821 755 820 790 790
Non-contributory benefit administration (payment of non-contributory benefits) 5 634 689 853 848 901 1,060 1,088 1,050 1,040
Housing benefit
Local authority etc. administration6 53 82 120 152 152 168 183 160 160
Total administration 1,621 1,643 1,763 1,882 1,875 1,983 2,092 2,000 1,990
Total Department of Health and Social Security—Social Security 36,390 38,609 40,034 41,655 42,758 44,478 44,340 44,200 44,600
1 Benefit expenditure rounded to nearest 100 (no entry where under 50) and administration costs to nearest 10.
2 Includes assistance with costs of rents and rates in 1981–82 and 1982–83.
3 Local authority rent rebates and allowances 1981–82 to November 1982. From November 1982 for some and from April 1983 for all cases includes assistance with rent formerly met through supplementary benefit. Rate rebates are excluded from the table as they are not public expenditure.
4 All costs of administration, including payments by the National Insurance Fund or by the DHSS to the various Government Departments involved.
5 From April 1983 Departments have repaid PSA for accommodation and certain other services, under the Property Repayment Service
6 Additional costs to local authorities arising in implementing the new housing benefit scheme from 1 April 1988 are included in 1987–88.

Table 2 Analysis of Social Security expenditure by broad economic category
£ million (1986–87 prices)
1981–82 1982–83 1983–84 1984–85 1985–86 1986–87 1987–88 1988–89 1989–90
outturn outturn outturn outturn outturn estimated outturn plans plans1 plans1
Departmental running costs 1,164 1,177 1,282 1,388 1,307 1,352 1,409 1,300 1,400
Running costs receipts2 -775 -726 -729 -796 -731 -660 -726 -700 -700
Other public sector pay 32 50 72 91 92 101 95 100 100
Transfers to the personal sector 34,440 36,636 37,912 39,378 40,499 42,081 41,821 41,700 42,100
Purchases of assets, goods and services3 1,211 1,153 1,169 1,210 1,215 1,193 1,312 1,300 1,300
Transfers to the corporate sector -5 -5 -27 -4 -3
Payments overseas 325 325 354 370 381 408 429 500 500
Total expenditure 36,390 38,609 40,034 41,636 42,758 44,474 44,340 44,200 44,600
Contribution to total public sector capital spending 19 11 26 24 56 71 83 100 100
1 Rounded to the nearest 100.
2 Includes recovery from the National Insurance Fund of expenditure on administering the Fund included under Departmental running costs above.
3 Includes repayment by the National Insurance Fund for expenditure incurred by government departments in administering the Fund. The expenditure is included in the departmental running costs, etc, of DHSS (in this table) and of other relevant departments.

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