HL Deb 09 July 1987 vol 488 c824WA
Lord Cullen of Ashbourne

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What conclusions they have reached on the proposal contained in the report of the committee chaired by Professor Peacock on the financing of the BBC, that the television licence fee should be replaced by a system of subscription.

The Minister of State, Home Office (The Earl of Caithness)

In announcing his response to Professor Peacock's report, my right honourable friend the Home Secretary said that he would be engaging independent consultants to examine the technical and economic feasibility of this proposal. Communications Studies and Planning International Limited, who are now merged with Booz Allen and Hamilton International (UK) Limited, were appointed to undertake this study, which they completed in May. We have today published their report and a copy has been placed in the Library. The findings of the report are those of the consultants, and do not necessarily reflect the direction of present government policy. We would welcome comments on the analysis and conclusions contained in the study, and we have invited comments to be sent to the Home Office by 30th September 1987. Any decisions will be taken in the light of these comments.