HC Deb 03 February 1987 vol 109 c613W
71. Mr. Butterfill

asked the Paymaster General whether he has any proposals to encourage the flow of tourism between Britain and Israel.


I recently visited Israel and discussed with the Israeli Minister for tourism a number of initiatives to improve the flow of tourism between our two countries. We have agreed to hold an "Israeli week" in the United Kingdom later this year to promote Israel as a winter holiday destination and Israel will hold a British week in October-November to promote travel to the United Kingdom. The British Tourist Authority and the Israeli Tourism Ministry are to hold joint promotions in the USA during March-April to encourage United States tour operators organising trips to Israel to incorporate a visit to the United Kingdom and vice versa. I also made representations to the Israeli Government on a number of issues of concern to the British tourism industry and in particular fiscal measures which restrict outward travel from Israel.

An invitation has been extended to the Israeli Minister for Tourism to visit Britain later in the year when he will have the opportunity to visit tourist attractions in all regions of the country.

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