HC Deb 21 October 1986 vol 102 c864W
Mr. Dalyell

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what proposals he has to increase the availability of matching tissue for kidney transplants.

Mrs. Currie

Increasing the number of cadaveric organs becoming available for transplantation is a major priority. A study is being undertaken which seeks to provide a more accurate estimate of organs potentially available for donation and to identify the reasons why a proportion of them are not in practice made available; the findings will enable us to devise better strategies for increasing the supply.

The Royal College of Physicians has now agreed to establish a working party to consider the introduction of a voluntary code of practice under which doctors would agree to ensure that, whenever a patient died who was clinically suitable as an organ donor, the relatives were asked for their permission for the organs to be removed. We are continuing to promote the donor card scheme and to support national and local initiatives. We are also monitoring developments, in consultation with representatives of professional and voluntary bodies, and considering with them how matters might best be taken forward.