HC Deb 19 November 1986 vol 105 c254W
Mr. Robert Banks

asked the Secretary of State for Transport what is the number of motorway accidents which have occurred on the stretch of the A1 between Wetherby and Dishforth during the last 10 years; and whether there are patterns of accidents on any particular stretches of this road.

Mr. Peter Bottomley

The information requested about the number of accidents is as follows:

Number of personal injury accidents
Year Fatal Serious Slight Total
1977 6 24 34 64
1978 4 22 23 49
1979 5 16 22 43
1980 2 20 24 46
1981 5 25 19 49
1982 2 21 35 58
1983 0 21 18 39
1984 2 19 23 44
1985 0 27 35 62
19861 6 15 26 47
Totals 32 210 259 501
1 January-October inclusive.

Our information indicates no pattern of accidents on particular stretches of the Al between Wetherby and Dishforth.