HL Deb 24 March 1986 vol 472 c1273WA
Lord Diamond

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What are the statistics which form the basis of a statement by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry in Cmnd. 9697, Paragraph 17, that"Average annual expenditure on basic infra-structure has been higher in real terms than when the Government came to power".

The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department of Trade and Industry (Lord Lucas of Chilworth)

The comparison was based on figures underlying the total of public sector capital spending, as shown in table 1.14 of the 1986 public expenditure White Paper, (Cmnd. 9702). As will be seen from the answer given to the noble Lord by the Secretary of State for Employment on 12th February 1986 (Official Report, col. 282), average annual total public sector capital spending has also been higher in real terms than when the Government came to power (i.e. the average of 1979–80 to 1985–86, compared with1978–79).

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