HL Deb 19 March 1986 vol 472 c1040WA
Baroness Stedman

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will make a statement on the outcome of their discussions with the trustees of the Sefton Estate about the future of Croxteth Hall and Country Park.

Lord Elton

The Government have decided that further time should be allowed for permanent arrangements to be worked out for the management of Croxteth Hall and Country Park in the light of the offer from the trustees of the Sefton Estate to play a leading role in seeking a satisfactory solution. Accordingly, we shall shortly be laying an amending order before Parliament transferring the property and staff to the Merseyside Residuary Body, who will be expected to retain responsibility for no more than three months. The Countryside Commission will contribute towards the costs of the residuary body, who will in turn seek to recover upon disposal the balance of the costs incurred on managing Croxteth temporarily in order to minimise any effect on their levy.

I have been impressed by the amount of goodwill shown towards Croxteth and I very much welcome the offers of assistance from the trustees and the commission. We have now given more time for this goodwill to be translated into positive and lasting action. If this is not forthcoming the Government will not assume any continuing responsibility for Croxteth, and would expect it to be transferred to Liverpool City Council. It is a local amenity which needs to be managed and funded as such.

It is disappointing that Liverpool have not seen fit to recognise the responsibility of Croxteth falling to them, despite the additional resources the Government have already made available to them through the rate support grant settlement for next year. Nevertheless, I continue to look to Liverpool to play a continuing role in working out a permanent solution.